インターネット調査室: 「US issues sanctions targeting North Korea-Russia arms trade」

今回は「US issues sanctions targeting North Korea-Russia arms trade」についてコメントさせていただきます。

The Hill: 16 Aug,2023

「US issues sanctions targeting North Korea-Russia arms trade」:  効果が有るんでしょうか?

The Biden administration Wednesday sanctioned three businesses linked to a scheme to transfer weapons from North Korea to Russia for use in the latter country’s war in Ukraine.

まー  不思議ではありませんね。

The Treasury Department alleges Mkrtychev worked with DPRK officials to try to obtain more than two dozen different kinds of weapons and munitions for Russia in exchange for a range of materials, from commercial aircraft to raw materials and commodities for North Korea. 



“The United States continues to root out illicit financial networks that seek to channel support from North Korea to Russia’s war machine,” Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson said in a statement.

これも効いていないでしょう。 だって、ビットコインを盗みまくり、ちゃんと$へ両替しビジネスをしていますからね。


検索キー: US issues sanctions targeting North Korea-Russia arms trade
