【パレスチナのクィアたち】Queering the Map パレスチナ/イスラエル 抄訳
Queering the Map (インスタ)に残されたパレスチナ人達の声を中心に翻訳しました。
Idk how long I will live so I just want this to be my memory here before I die. I am not going to leave my home, come what may. My biggest regret is not kissing this one guy. He died two days back. We had told how much we like each other and I was too shy to kiss last time. He died in the bombing. I think a big part of me died too. And soon I will be dead. To younus, i will kiss you in heaven.
I’ve always imagined you and me sitting out in the sun, hand and hand, free at last. We spoke of all the places we would go if we could. Yet you are gone now. If I had known that bombs raining down on us would take you from me, I would have gladly told the world how I adored you more than anything. I’m sorry I was a coward.
i will never lose hope in us no matter how long it takes we will be together soon
The place where you died, even though we were only penpals, I love you to my core, 5 years of the best friendship. Ahmad died of the airstrike, you died of heartbreak. Khalid, I love you, I loved the way you came out to me, how I came out to you, how you introduced Ahmad as your boyfriend, I wanted to share your hurts with me, but we're seas apart, I'll free Palestine just for your eyes. I hope you rest well in heaven, kiss Ahmad all you want, and be very happy, in this life or another I'll follow you, and we can unite, I love you to Icarus and beyond 💗
I know I was different from a young age. I knew I liked boys early on. But society demands it remains hidden. I live elsewhere now and I'm still trying to connect the dots. I wish things weren't this complicated. I don't want to hurt my family, but I cannot live a lie.
I wish I could watch the sunset over Gaza sea with you. For one night I wish this occupation was no longer and that we could be free for once on our own land.
Here was our first date, we sat talked about our childhood , queer culture , food and bagpipes
A place were I kissed my first crash. Being gay in Gaza is hard but somehow it was fun. I made out with a lot of boys in my neighborhood. I thought everyone is gay to some level.
The first boy I ever kissed lived here. His cousin found out and tried to stab me. I haven't been back since.
This is where I first fell for you. It was 2021, the last major Israeli bombardment on Gaza. You never knew you were the reason that I first listened to my favorite bands or watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire. everything comes back to you. now you are a student abroad and Israeli occupation bombs may take everyone and everything you ever loved away. Your mom, your home, your memories. I am so sorry the world failed you. that your mom, sister, best friends, everything is lost in this genocide.
الاشي الوحيد يلي مصبرني على العيشة بغزة هو البحر و انتي
Pls know despite what the media says there are gay Palestinians. We are here, we are queer. Free Palestine.
I was here. I was queer. Free Palestine <3
Realizing the feelings i had for you were more than adoration, realizing that wanting to see you everyday, to be with you and talk to you, for you to call me by my petname that you gave me, i miss you beyond words can describe, i wish if i had the courage to tell you but again i was scared, I didn't want to cause you any trouble. Now both of us outside gaza strip, but much far a way from each other, بحبك وبخيالي انتي كمان بتحبيني
I’m from rafah and she’s from deir al balah, she got married later and i left gaza strip, to this day i think of you, to this day i wish to be back to sleep with you in the same bed, i want you to call for my name again, i wish if i can be with you again my heart. بحبك وبالرغم من الي صار دايما في بالي.
Being out doesn't mean anything to me. I wish to see Haifa I wish to see the village my parents had to leave I wish to see my brother who got killed I wish to be free but my freedom is beyond being out it's being Palestinian first and foremost. God have mercy on my brother and my palestinian siblings.
the hometown that i, a queer palestinian, will return to one day<3
around here would be where i live if palestine hadent been taken under colonization. i am a teenage bigender, bi aromantic palestinian-syrian person. i always miss my homeland even when ive never even been there. free palestine until its backwards. i live in amman and i go to school in khalda. i love you maya, youre my best friend even though i know you dont love me back </3.
we exchanged meaningful glances just in a very small, seemingly meaningless interaction but we recognized each other for who we really are and it felt so relieving to finally be truly seen, even tho it was just for a few seconds.
first person i came out to was my father. whenever i want speak to someone about my deep secrets i come to the cemetery and speak to dad. I know if you were alive now I wouldn't have been able to tell you that im gay. but i dont have anybody else to speak to not even my close friends
I found out I was queer here. Whoever is reading this, I just want you to know that you are valid and Allah loves you the way you are. We exist and it's not wrong. Stay brave and beautiful <3
Every know and then I open on this website to re-read the Palestinian stories, and everytime I cry. I wish I was able to share a lgbtq experience I had in Tiberias but I cant because I'm a refugee. The only thing I know about this place is what my grandparents went through in the 1948. Not love but misery. To any one reading this please dont support settler colonialism please dont support our ethnic cleansing.
First time visiting Israel/Palestine, I dated an ex airforce officer after we matched on tinder. He was trying to impress me by telling me he targeted a residential building in Gaza. I'll never forget this date, it changed my whole perspective about the conflict
I received messages at grindr from Israeli men wearing military uniform saying they will kill me' with photos of D9- Z machine guns with laughing faces just few hours after I landed at the airport. I had to delete the Palestinian flag next to my name to stop receiving these kinds of messages. This was my first time visiting the land my grandparents were kicked out of, using the privilege of having a Canadian passport.
During the Palestinian nakba, my grandparents were forced out of their land to Lebanon. Later on, my family immigrated to France during the Lebanese civil war. The only thing grandpa got from the house before fleeing was the key and a picture of him and grandma infront their house. He would always talk about jaffa oranges, his house and the Mediterranean sea. I grew up wanting to know how I am, where I'm originally from so in 2017 I decided to search from my grandparents original house in old Jaffa. Long story short, with the help of Palestinians living there we found the stairs that used to lead to my grandfather's house, we found the house. We found the lighted window which was once a kitchen window. As a queer Palestinian, the only time I felt angry and broken about seeing a pride flag was when I saw it flying on grandparents house, on my stolen land.
翻訳:ريحان السوغامي