2021年に最初に読んだ小説「The Umbrella Mouse」



1944年、第二次世界大戦中、ロンドンのかさ屋さんにひっそりと暮らすネズミのPip。かさ屋さんを営むスミス夫妻と、お店を訪れるお客さんの会話をひそかに聞くのが毎日の楽しみ。しかし、空襲のせいで、Pipは両親を失くしてしまいました。行くあてもなく、途方に暮れるPip。そんな中、おばがイタリアにいることを思い出し、イタリアへ行くことを決断。イタリアへ行く途中に、多様な動物たちが集う秘密のグループに出会い、敵国・ドイツを倒すため、共に戦うことに。どんな試練があっても屈しない勇敢なPip。新しい’家族’に出会うことができました。 第二次世界大戦について多くのことが学べる本でした。戦争中、人間が動物たちをどのように悪用していたかも詳しく綴られています。


“The Umbrella Mouse” by Anna Fargher @anafargher Great educational book to learn WW II, courage and justice! In 1944, ‘Pip’, a mouse living in an umbrella shop in London loved eavesdropping secretly conversations with the owners and customers. But her lovely world was turned into a cruel one: she lost her dad and mum and became an orphan. Her aunt lived in Italy so she wanted to go there. On the way to Italy, she met a secret gang of animals fighting against Germany. Although she thought she was alone, she was sincere; she never broke the secrets of the gang, and courageous; tried to face the reality and not to be afraid. Pip found a new ‘family’. I learned a lot of new things about WWⅡ and how animals were abused by humans, which is quite shocking. The author wrote this story for a school project when she was 12 years old. When she grew up, she knew that many children do not know WWⅠ and Ⅱ, which is a reason why she started writing it again. Moved by the background and a tiny brave hero. It was a great book to start a new year, 2021. Hope to read great books in 2022!
