The practice of writing Eigo - part 2

It's been a long time (about two years) since I wrote my first English blog here. Initially, I was thinking of writing something in English at the end of each academic year but totally forget about this idea - I thought I wrote another one last year but it seems not. This is gonna be the second one.

I am kinda perfectionist and wanted to have a proper English article in public. So the previous post sounds really polite and correct (although I found some strange expressions - but never mind). I no longer care about the quality, which means my English may improve a bit or my sense of inferiority toward English gets weaker. I think this change is good for learning a language in general. You will never be perfect, even if you are a native speaker. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Now I am learning Hungarian eventually and making tons of mistakes.

Anyway, I am now stuck in Budapest and will not be able to go back to Japan for the summer holiday. At the very beginning of the pandemic, people (including myself) were optimistic about the current situation of COVID-19 but now get to realise that the thing is really serious. After the curfew restrictions were lifted, it seems that Central Europe has been doing more or less okay and even I (a third-country national) can move freely within the EU with my residence permit. 

From September, I will move to Vienna and live there for another couple of years (hopefully within 2 years). I really need to finish my PhD and kind of started finding my original path recently - before that, I was just doing an experiment, which can be done by anyone else. It's just a matter of perception so practically there is no drastic change but you know, it affects my motivation at least.

I have no idea what I will do after my PhD. I planned to do a post-doc in Europe maybe for a couple of years but now am thinking of coming back to Japan and find another career - which is not completely different from what I am doing now but not necessarily related to any typical academic positions. Interestingly, I wrote my motivation for my PhD in the previous English post and I was saying that I wanted to support researchers, not become a researcher. I am still having the same mind. I like doing research and researchers, but somehow doing research makes me sick and anxious, so being a researcher is not my vocation.

I remember when I wrote the first English post here, I took a really long time to finish it but now words come into mind naturally as I talk. Well, I have been abroad for almost 4 years so this is nothing surprising but I want to praise myself. At the same time, I also want to use Japanese more so having a place like here is important.

I hope the borders within the EU will not close before I move to Vienna. Fingers crossed 🤞