
Every Day's Visitor

9/7/2020 Thu.

【Day 110】

Tigga is here, there, and everywhere in my house, every day. Everyone in my family loves her, so when she comes to the door and call us like “Miaow” to ask us to open the door, we are all happy.

And good for me, for some reason,  I’ve felt my cat-allergy has reduced down recently.

As Tigga visits every unit in this townhouse, sometimes she gets involved in trouble. 

A few days ago, the owner of her announced that she had been missing via WhatsApp. And a few hours later, she was found locked in one of the units. At that time, the all people who live there were out not knowing Tigga was inside the house.

The owner took a photo of her from outside the door and sent it to everyone. 

What a face!

