
The Collaroy Meeting

20/10/2020 Tue.

【Day 212】

I drank to hell today.
Because, I met Tomo, who is the same age and went to the same elementary school in Japan. What a coincidence! How I know him was like that, one of his friends from the same school and my wife were quite familiar each other, their family as well, and my mother in law told us Tomo has run his own sushi restaurant in Narrabeen.

Additionally, when I told Kentaro about the sushi restaurant, he didn’t just know the restaurant, but also know himself as a friend!

When I heard about it, I felt like the world is so small.

Tomo organized the meeting at the Collaroy. It’s been 33 years since the graduation. I had very strange feeling like we met for the first time. So, now I’m drunk too much. But very happy!

