
The Fulfillment of Building HR Team from Scratch

Today, we spoke with Haruka Fukuhara, who is in charge of HR and recruitment at amptalk. After working for over 10 years at an advertising agency straight out of college, Fukuhara joined amptalk as its first HR personnel. We discussed her thoughts on the career change, the culture at amptalk, and the challenges and rewards of being the first HR.

Left an Advertising Agency After Over 10 Years to Become the First HR at a Startup

Q: What motivated you to leave a company you had worked at for many years and dive into the completely new world of startup?
In my previous job, I joined an advertising agency with 300+ employees and worked mainly in the HR department, handling recruitment for over 10 years. After a decade, I began to feel a vague anxiety about my career, wondering if my skills were only relevant within the company and whether they would be valuable outside of it. This led me to reflect on my past career and consider my future path. I was caught in the wave of promoting female managers but questioned if that was truly what I wanted. During this period of self-reflection, I realized I wanted to be involved more broadly, not just in recruitment, but also in broader organizational development, HR development, and retention support. This strong desire pushed me to decide on a career change.

Q: How did you encounter amptalk, and what made you decide to join?
I was introduced to amptalk by a recruitment agency. During a casual interview, I was surprised when CEO Inose-san himself showed up from the first interview. Despite the meandering conversation, he skillfully summarized key points, and I was impressed by his quick thinking and ability to articulate ideas. His blend of friendliness and sharp intellect intrigued me, making me even more interested in the organization he was leading.
At that time, amptalk was just beginning to establish evaluation systems and rules to match a diverse workforce, which meant it was a challenge for me with almost no experience in this area. However, they put their trust in me regardless, which made me feel eager to take on the role as the first HR at amptalk.

The HR Mission: Creating an Environment and Culture for Employees to Perform at Their Best

Q: Can you tell us about your daily tasks and what you prioritize in your work?
The mission of HR is to create an environment and culture where employees can perform at their best. Among these, shaping the culture is the most crucial aspect of the HR role.
My responsibilities are broad, from recruitment and the operation of evaluation systems to various back-office tasks. What I prioritize is thinking "for others"—how much I can do for others. The "others" are employees internally and job seekers externally. I strongly want everyone, inside and outside the company, to feel comfortable working, so I focus on creating a natural atmosphere for interviews to avoid any mismatches. Recently, a member told me, "The candidates showed increased enthusiasm for amptalk after you interviewed him," which made me happy, feeling that my efforts resonated with them.
Every day at amptalk feels like my "normal" is being challenged, similar to the excitement of encountering new cultures and experiences while traveling abroad. Rather than building on my previous experiences and skills, it feels like starting anew with fresh materials, which is very enjoyable. I believe that those who embrace unlearning and have a challenging spirit will also enjoy working at amptalk.

Facing Customers and Caring for Team Members is "So amptalk"

Q: What aspect of amptalk’s culture feels most characteristic to you?
One of amptalk's core values, "ISSUE DRIVEN," stands out. At amptalk, an "ISSUE" means a "customer’s problem," and the focus is on solving these problems rather than just doing what we can. This value is naturally ingrained because the founders—Inose-san, Suzuki-san, and Takanobu-san—selected employees who embody this mindset since the early days.
I once consulted with Inose-san about recruitment, and he reflected on the past, saying, "We've never failed in recruitment," which was very impressive and made sense to me.
I also love the supportive atmosphere where people think of each other and help out. Even outside of HR, in any organization, when someone has to step out temporarily, others smoothly take over. I work part-time currently, but even if something urgent comes up after my hours, the others readily handle it. It’s a daily environment of mutual support in amptalk.

It’s Better to Move to a Company with Room for Growth Than to Stay Where You Are

Q: What message do you have for those struggling with their career paths?
It might be a good idea to listen to your inner voice saying, "I want to try this." Then, consider if you can do that in your current environment. To increase your market value at your current job, you might need to gain more specialized experience. But there’s no guarantee you’ll get the job you want there. If that’s the case, seize the moment and value the present. I chose the path of challenge at amptalk, valuing now over regrets. Though it’s scary and hesitating to jump into a new environment or culture, this doesn’t last forever. You’ll adapt, and if now is the lowest point, there’s much room to go up.
"Effort doesn’t always pay off, but you can’t achieve anything without effort."
So, steadily making efforts and building step by step is essential, and I’m in the midst of it now. If you resonate with amptalk’s values and feel like taking on a challenge, we’d be thrilled if amptalk becomes your place to grow!

We’re Hiring!

This time, we spoke with Fukuhara, the first HR hire at amptalk, about her thoughts during her job transition and the rewards of building an organization at amptalk. How did you find it?
By the way, Fukuhara’s favorite way to relax is by reading novels. She enjoys knowing the ending beforehand and then watching the story unfold, so she reads mystery novels from the back and always checks spoilers online before watching dramas. Interested? If so, please apply for a casual interview. We look forward to meeting you!