
ポロと母からの贈り物 <4> Gift: The Hidden Garden  ~隠された庭園~

When I think back to my childhood, one of the most magical memories involves the hidden garden. It was a sunny afternoon when I stumbled upon it. My mother's hints had always been subtle, but I had a feeling this adventure would be different.


The sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow throughout the house. I had been playing in the living room when something caught my eye. It was a small, intricately designed key, gleaming under the sunlight.


I picked it up, my heart racing with excitement. This was a new clue, something my mother had left for me. I turned the key over in my hands, wondering what it could unlock.


I remembered the words she had written in her last letter: "The key to your next adventure lies in the sun's embrace." It was poetic, just like her. I started looking around the room, trying to figure out where the sun's rays were pointing.


As I moved around, the sunlight led me to a corner of the room where an old, dusty cabinet stood. It was a piece of furniture I had rarely paid attention to, but now it seemed significant.


I approached the cabinet, my hands trembling slightly. The key fit perfectly into the lock, and with a gentle turn, the door creaked open. Inside, I found an old map and a small note.


The note read: "Follow the map to where the roses bloom, and you'll find a secret only the brave can uncover." My curiosity was piqued. I carefully unfolded the map and saw that it led to the garden behind our house.


I stepped outside, the fresh air filling my lungs. The garden had always been a place of solace for me, but now it held the promise of a new adventure.


Following the map, I walked through the garden, feeling the crunch of gravel under my feet. The path led me to a section I had rarely explored, hidden behind a thick wall of roses.


I carefully pushed aside the roses, their sweet scent filling the air. Behind them, I discovered a hidden gate, its iron bars entwined with ivy. The gate was old and rusty, but the key I had found fit perfectly into its lock.


With a creak, the gate opened, revealing a hidden part of the garden I had never seen before. It was like stepping into another world. The flowers were vibrant, and there was a small pond with lily pads floating on its surface.


As I explored this hidden oasis, I felt a deep connection to my mother. She had created this place for me, a secret garden filled with wonder and beauty.


Near the pond, I found another note, carefully placed under a rock. It read: "This garden is a place of dreams and magic. Whenever you feel lost, come here, and you'll find your way."


I spent the afternoon exploring the hidden garden, feeling my mother's presence with every step. It was a place of peace and wonder, a gift that I would treasure forever.


Years later, as I look back on that day, I realize how much my mother's gifts shaped who I am. The hidden garden was just one of many surprises she had in store for me, each one teaching me about love, courage, and the beauty of discovery.


The hidden garden became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the world and remember my mother's love. Even now, as an adult, I visit the garden whenever I need to find peace and inspiration.


As I sat by the pond, I could almost hear my mother's voice, whispering words of encouragement and love. Her presence was always there, in every flower, every breeze, and every ray of sunlight that touched the garden.








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