

・ 寄付者は、どのようなプロジェクトなのか、どのような貢献が現実的な解決につながるのかをしっかり吟味した上で、支援するプロジェクトを選択することができます。
・ 各プロジェクトが資金調達の目標達成にどれだけ近づいているかが、よりわかりやすくなりました。
・ 税制上の優遇措置や地産地消の返礼品を得るための制度は変わらないが、特定のプロジェクトに寄付した人だけが利用できる特別なサービスや商品を受け取ることができるケースもあります。







The potential of Furusato Tax Crowdfunding for revitalizing local tourism

In recent years Furusato Tax Crowdfunding (also known as Government Crowdfunding) is gaining attention due to several reasons which make the relation between the donating person and the local government much clearer:
- The donating person can choose exactly which project to support, after checking in details about what the project involves and how the contribution will lead to a practical solution
- It is much easier to see how close each project is to accomplishing its funding goal.
- While the system for obtaining tax benefits and locally produced gratitude gifts remains the same, in some cases the donating person can receive special services and products only available to those who contributed to the specific project. 

The crowdfunding projects vary in their purpose, numerical goal and rate of accomplishment. Admittedly, some projects are less realistic than others, but the appeal lies in the emotional connection to a particular cause. The donating side contributes based on each individual’s values. 

At present donations to crowdfunding projects are available at most platforms which also support Furusato Tax donations. It is worth mentioning that each platform offers different listing criteria, and while some operators categorize the projects by their purpose and social value, others display which particular Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are supported through each listed project. 

The Furusato Tax Crowdfunding is useful for raising funds for various purposes of the local governments, but particularly in the COVID-19 crisis this system can be especially fruitful for one of the most damaged economy sectors, the local tourism. There are two major ways in which crowdfunding can be used to boost local travel and revitalize the local travel industry:
1) By offering as gratitude gifts not only locally produced food and craft items, but also local activities, which would stimulate the travel to the destination of the donation. This already exists as a practice with the standard Furusato Tax system as well.
2) By raising funds for projects related to tourism development, for example strengthening the local infrastructure and touristic facilities, developing new attractive activities, and organizing new events. Contributors can benefit from special discounts or premium services after the completion of the project. But most importantly, the local tourism industry can benefit from new attractions that will attract new visitors in the long-term. Particularly for local governments which have limited resources for developing attractive tourism services, this initiative can be an important key to development.

One local government which is running crowdfunding campaigns for revitalization and development of the local tourism industry is Fuji-Yoshida city in Yamanashi prefecture. Fuji-Yoshida city is also 15th in Japan in the ranking of largest incomes from Furusato Tax in 2019. Among their currently running crowdfunding campaigns are projects for construction of observation decks at popular tourist spots, maintenance of the Yoshida climbing trail and the sakura trees around Chureito Pagoda, promotion of the traditional local weaving industry as a new attraction. The city is also involved in organizing social events and workation opportunities for domestic visitors. All of these are great examples of how development of the local travel industry can rely not only on subsidies but also on attractive fundraising campaigns. 

It is worth mentioning that there are also crowdfunding campaigns targeted at potential travelers from outside Japan. For example, J-Funding allows people from abroad to donate to attractive causes in Japan. This is especially important for attracting both newcomers and repeaters, and creates stable interaction between the inbound visitors and the local communities.
