DIARY 3/12 黒染め校則が撤廃され始めたようです。

I read an article about school rule. Some high schools in Tokyo abolished the rule that lets students dye their hair to black if their hair is not black. Some schools ban specific hair style. I think these rules are very idiotic. Because students can choose their hair style and color by themselves. When I was a high school student, there were a lot of rules in many schools. Fortunately, there were not many rules in my school and my school’s teachers were not very strict. I thought the rules were non sense. The time to obey the rules was waste of time. Of course, choice freely needs responsibility. If you want to enter some colleges and to join some companies, yellow or pink hair would keep you from entering. Collage entrance interviewer and job interviewer might think your yellow or pink hair is not appropriate. If you want to marry someone and you need to greet your partner’s parents, how you look would have influence on the result. I don’t think it is good that everyone wears black suits and has black hair, but too much “fashionable” style would prevent you from success. Students have to understand how to behave when they want to do something and parents have to tell their children that. You have to learn and know how you look and what your appearance brings you. However strict rule is not necessary and I think it is old fashion.

Russia and Ukraine situation is not easing. In the market, investor sentiment is still bad. Stocks fell and yield on 10 years dropped. Some part of yield curve reversed. 7 year yield was higher than 10 year yield at some time. Generally, long term yield is higher than short one but if it inverted, someone think it is sign of recessions in the future. Many countries government worry about inflation. I’m afraid if stagflation is coming. Dollar gained sharply.
