


日本企業で働いています。英語が苦手なのに総合商社に入って大変なので、勉強の為に日記をつけています。ネタは家族、経済、仕事など。 東大に行くのに二浪しましたが、本を読んだり勉強に積極的になれたので結果オーライ。マーケットの話は自分の整理ですので投資は自己責任でお願いします。




  • 金融学習


  • Dairy Idiom

    その日覚えた、知った単語や面白い言い回しを残していきます。 I'd like to add some words which I memorize and I'm interested in.

  • Journal

    日々の日記と考えたことを書きます。 I'd like to write down what I think and do everyday.

  • Study


2024/1/1 年が明けました

Happy new year. I was so lazy that I stopped the diary. One of my resolutions this year is restarting it. I have to study and practice English so I try to keep this diary. I will have business trips this year but I am not good at speaking

    • 12/12 1ヶ月検診 

      We went to hospital in order to let my daughter see doctor. 1month babies have to check their bodies because tiny babies' bodies are weak yet. Doctor checked my daughter. I'm happy that we didn't find anything bad. I hope my daughter grows

      • 12/11 風邪引いたのでケーキ作り

        My daughter caught a cold. We went to clinic and got some medicines. It was not Covid but I'm worry about my daughter. Her nose seemed to be stuffed up and be running. I used a nasal aspirator in order to remove her snot. However she is get

        • 12/8 沐浴って難しい

          I'm taking patanity leave so I give my baby a bath. Newborn babies can't soak in the bath with adults. There are many germs newborns can't stand in bathtubs. Therefore we have to wipe and wash newborns body without soaking adults bathtubs.

        2024/1/1 年が明けました


        • DIARY
        • 金融学習
        • Dairy Idiom
        • Journal
        • Study


          12/8 インフルワクチン

          My daughter has got 2nd flu vaccine. I was surprised because my daughter didn't cry when getting vaccines. I cried heavily when I was child. I think flu vaccination is a bit safer than Covid vaccination. Flu vaccination is based on long his

          12/8 インフルワクチン

          12/6 育休

          I have been on patanity leave since the end of November. We have welcomed a new family member, 2nd baby. I will have day off until the end of this month. I'm happy to spend my time on childcare. I am worry about my job but I like spending m

          12/6 育休

          DIARY 7/9

          I have drunk with my colleague. I'm a little bit tipsy. I'm happy because of back to normal. These days, I'm into anime like Ruro ni Kenshin and Dragon quest. I want to find nice hobby.

          DIARY 7/9

          DIARY 6/7 在宅勤務

          I've worked from home today. I'm happy to stay home because I didn't have to commute. It is a little bit bothering to commute. However, my daughter distract me while I'm working at home. I have to ignore her when I'm speaking on line meetin

          DIARY 6/7 在宅勤務

          5/27 やっぱり繁忙期は大変

          I skipped diary keeping because I've been super busy this week. However it's OK since I use English in my work. I didn't have chance to speak English. I need practice. I was busy but I'll finish my task today. Unfortunately I have a lot of

          5/27 やっぱり繁忙期は大変

          DIARY 5/20 継続しないといけませんね。

          I've been forgotten keeping this DIARY because I was super busy. I didn't have time to think about anything without working. I have to continue it even if I'm busy. I'll try it. Market situation is uncertain and I'm anxious if it will recov

          DIARY 5/20 継続しないといけませんね。

          DIARY 5/13

          I'd been working until late. I had a lot of tasks and I couldn't finished my job early. Additionally, I need to watch market. I want the financial market to be better. I'm not sure how fast the monetary easing will be made progress with.

          DIARY 5/13

          DIARY 5/11フレキシブルな、自由な働き方といっても現実は難しいですよね

          I've left the office right now. I thought I'm young yet but I feel I'm a kind of old worker. In my team, some of my senior staffs work harder and longer than juniors. I can't understand why junior staffs can leave the office even if their t

          DIARY 5/11フレキシブルな、自由な働き方といっても現実は難しいですよね

          DIARY 5/10 今日も疲れました。マーケットは荒れていますね。。

          I've been working all day. I'm a little bit tired but I'm happy to be involved to interesting job. In terms of market, stock marked lost a lot. The US stock market was at all time low in this year. Market sentiment is still bad because of v

          DIARY 5/10 今日も疲れました。マーケットは荒れていますね。。

          DIARY 5/9 今日も疲れました

          I've left the office. I've been working all day. I have to introduce myself to foreign partners. I'm a little bit nervous. I'm not get used to speak English in my office.

          DIARY 5/9 今日も疲れました

          DIARY 5/7 バーベキュー良かった。遊び場が沢山あって便利ですね。

          I went to a BBQ place with my friends. I took my daughter there and she looked fun. I'm happy to see that she has got along with my friends. I drunk a little and enjoyed our time. My wife stayed our home so she could spend her time on herse

          DIARY 5/7 バーベキュー良かった。遊び場が沢山あって便利ですね。

          DIARY 5/6 長い1日、FOMCにNFPと盛りだくさんでしたが気分はお休みです。

          I've been working all day. I'm getting busy. My busiest month is May and June so I'm getting nervous. I have to work efficiently. However, I can take a rest tomorrow. I have a plan to see my friends. We will go to BBQ place and have a party

          DIARY 5/6 長い1日、FOMCにNFPと盛りだくさんでしたが気分はお休みです。