
Regarding Tofu 4 -Murakami Asahi-do -Haruki Murakami-

Have you ever thought about the best way to enjoy tofu? I pondered this question when I had some free time. There is only one answer: after a romantic encounter. Well, let me clarify from the beginning that this is all purely imaginary. It didn't actually happen. It's a fictional story. One afternoon, while taking a stroll in town, a seductive woman in her mid-thirties caught my attention. She gasped and looked directly at me. I wondered what was going on when suddenly, about five little girls accompanying her rushed towards me, calling me "Daddy." After listening carefully to their story, it turned out that their mother's husband, who passed away last year, resembled me. The woman tried to explain to the girls, "No, he's not your father," but the girls insisted, "Yes, he's our daddy!" and clung to my hand. Well, I didn't mind this situation at all, so I said, "Alright, then I'll be your father for a while." We all played together in the park until the girls grew tired and fell asleep. From that point on, it followed a certain course. Naturally, I ended up taking them home and, in the process, having an affair with the alluring widow. When everything was done, it was already evening, and as I stood outside my house, a tofu vendor rode by on his bicycle, with the sound of chimes. The woman fixed her hair and called out, "Tofu seller!" She bought two blocks of silk tofu, garnished one with green onions and ginger, and served it to me with a beer. She said, "Why don't you have some tofu for now? I'll start preparing dinner." The allure of this impromptu tofu experience is indescribable. However, unless I start by finding a seductive widow who resembles me and is married to someone else, it won't lead to such a story. Well, as long as I'm tangled up in such complicated thoughts, I suppose I won't be able to commit adultery.
