
Small happiness -Afternoon on the Islands of Langerhans- Haruki Murakami

Recently, the term "pants" has become more commonly used in Japan to refer to what Americans call "trousers", and this has led to confusion about what to call the traditional underpants. While they might be called "underpants" in English, there isn't a widely accepted term for them in Japan, and this has only added to the confusion between outer and inner pants. Personally, I prefer buying men's underpants and sometimes go to department stores to buy five or six pairs at once, so my drawers are filled with them. I find it satisfying to have neatly folded and rolled underpants in my drawers, and I think it's a small source of happiness (or "shoukakkou 小確幸") in life. While I don't know if this is a unique way of thinking, I think it's rare for men to choose and buy their own underpants, at least in my circle of friends who are single and living alone. I also like under-shirt underwear. The feeling of putting on a freshly laundered white cotton t-shirt with that cotton scent is also a small source of happiness. However, compared to women's underwear, which covers a vast field, the genre of men's underwear is narrow and concise, consisting only of underpants and under-shirts. Sometimes when I think about underwear, I'm struck by the feeling that it's good to be a man. If I had been born a woman with my current personality, I probably wouldn't have enough drawers to store all my underwear.

