
A Farewell, but Not Goodbye: The Enduring Bond of Friendship

Today, one of my closest mom friends is moving to Osaka. The realization that we won’t be able to meet as frequently as we used to, due to the physical distance between us, fills me with a mix of emotions. Our friendship has been a significant part of my life, and I’ve cherished every moment we spent together, whether we were simply talking, sharing our thoughts, or watching our children play.

One of the things I valued most about our relationship was how naturally our conversations flowed. There was never a need to overthink my words or worry about being misunderstood. Our shared core values and similar educational backgrounds meant that we could speak freely, understanding each other on a deeper level without the need for excessive explanations. This kind of effortless communication is rare and something I’ll miss dearly.

I sincerely admire her personality. She was the glue that held our group together, never hesitating to take the initiative to organize our gatherings. Thanks to her, we had so many opportunities to meet up, and through those meetings, we built a strong, enduring bond. In contrast, I’ve always found it challenging to be a social person. My time is stretched thin between the demands of full-time work and raising children, leaving little room for socializing. I often prefer to spend what little spare time I have with myself or my family. Although I sometimes long to reconnect with others, especially those who share similar experiences, the thought of messaging people and coordinating schedules often overwhelms me. This reluctance has led me to miss out on many opportunities to grow closer to others.

But she was different—always willing to put in the time and effort to bring us together. Her willingness to be the organizer, the one who reached out and made things happen, was something I deeply appreciated. Now that she’s leaving, I can’t help but worry about who will step into that role. Without her, I fear that our group might drift apart, and the close-knit bond we’ve built could weaken.

Last weekend, we had a final dinner together at an izakaya at 10 p.m., once all our children were tucked into bed and the day’s responsibilities were behind us. We drank sake, shared trivial conversations, and moved between laughter and tears. Our initial connection was through our children; we exchanged contact information to help them make new friends. But as time passed, our relationship evolved into something much more meaningful—we became lifelong friends. It’s a beautiful thing to realize that what started as a simple attempt to support our children led to the creation of such a deep and valuable friendship.

As I reflect on this, I’m filled with a profound sense of gratitude. Though the physical distance between us may grow, the bond we’ve forged will remain. I hope that no matter where life takes us, we all find fulfillment, happiness, and continue to cherish the memories we’ve created together. True friendship is not bound by proximity—it’s sustained by the connection we’ve nurtured, the understanding we share, and the love we’ve given each other. This is not the end but rather a new chapter in our journey as friends. The bond we’ve built won’t disappear,never!

