Digital Feudalism and Digital Serfs

Digital Feudalism and Digital Serfs

In recent years, the term "digital feudalism" has been used to describe a future in which digital technology is dominated by a small number of powerful companies. These companies, often referred to as "big tech," have developed a monopoly on the development and distribution of software, which is essential for the operation of businesses and governments.
One of the key concerns about digital feudalism is that it could lead to a situation in which businesses and governments become dependent on big tech for their essential software. This dependency could give big tech a significant amount of power over these organizations, allowing them to dictate terms and prices.

For example, a car manufacturer that relies on big tech for its self-driving software would be at the mercy of that company. If big tech were to raise prices or change the terms of the contract, the car manufacturer would have little choice but to comply.

Similarly, a government that relies on big tech for its online services would be vulnerable to cyberattacks or other disruptions. If big tech were to be hacked, the government's systems could be compromised, potentially leading to the loss of sensitive data or even the disruption of essential services.

There are a number of steps that businesses and governments can take to mitigate the risks of digital feudalism. One is to develop their own software development capabilities. This would allow them to reduce their reliance on big tech and gain more control over their own technology.

Another option is to use open source software. Open source software is free and open to anyone to use, modify, and redistribute. This means that businesses and governments can use open source software without being beholden to a single company.

Finally, businesses and governments can work together to develop their own software. This would allow them to pool resources and expertise, making it easier to develop the software they need.

By taking these steps, businesses and governments can help to prevent digital feudalism and ensure that they have the freedom to choose their own technology partners.

Digital feudalism is a real threat to businesses and governments around the world. However, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks. By developing their own software development capabilities, using open source software, and working together, businesses and governments can help to ensure that they have the freedom to choose their own technology partners.
