
relax : 〔~を〕リラックスさせる、くつろがせる、〔緊張・規制・規律などを〕緩める、緩和する
in place : 適当な位置に、適所に、所定の位置に、環境が整って、実施されて
arbitrary : 〔個人の〕好み[判断]に任せた、勝手な、気まぐれな

Those in favor of relaxing dismissal regulations in Japan argue that it would benefit companies by allowing them to quickly and easily terminate underperforming employees. They claim that the current labor laws make it difficult and costly for companies to dismiss employees, even those who are not meeting their job requirements. By easing these regulations, companies would be able to operate more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to improved productivity and competitiveness in the global market.

On the other hand, opponents of relaxing dismissal regulations argue that doing so would create an unfair and unstable work environment for employees. They point out that the current labor laws in Japan are in place to protect employees from arbitrary and unjust dismissal. If these regulations were to be relaxed, it would become much easier for companies to terminate employees without proper justification or due process, leading to a culture of fear and insecurity in the workplace. Moreover, such a move could potentially harm employee morale and loyalty, ultimately leading to negative impacts on productivity and overall company performance.

In summary, while relaxing dismissal regulations may benefit companies in the short term, it may come at the cost of creating an unfair and unstable work environment for employees, potentially leading to negative long-term effects on productivity and company performance.
