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There are many points to reflect on at this time.

・Subtraction of statistical data
Statistical data should originally be quoted from the original. However, since the theme was the theme, and the original text was in Chinese, I had no choice but to borrow from it. Nowadays, Google Translate is available, so you can use it. Data for Japan can be obtained from the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and data for the world economy can be obtained from United Nations-related sites.

・I didn't visit the site.
This is my biggest regret because my philosophy is to be hands-on. As a poor student, I could not afford to travel to rural China. If you are worried about going abroad alone, invite a friend and go on a trip to investigate and research.

・Professor's Feedback
The professor set aside time for questions and consultation during office hours. However, I was unable to use this time effectively because writing the paper was difficult. Since professors are academic research professionals, it is best to receive direct guidance from professionals whenever possible.

Changing the topic a little from here, many people may not be able to find a "thesis topic'' in the first place. Now that we have ChatGPT and Bard, I think it would be a good idea to ask AI. In many universities, the use of AI is prohibited, but I don't think it's not a problem if you're looking for a theme rather than requesting the writing itself. I think the university is an idiot if it completely bans it.

If you are a serious person who does not want to use AI, consider the following selection criteria:
・Choose a theme that is in line with your own values and beliefs
・Make it something novel (don't imitate it)
・Make it a theme that you can dig deep into (don't end up with shallow research)

Although it is strictly prohibited to plagiarize, I think it is OK to use previous research as a reference. Look it up in your university library or search for papers from universities and research institutes on Google, choose one that interests you, and read it carefully. If you can come up with your own idea, it would be a good idea to make it your theme.
