

麻生副総理がとうとう国内のみに飽き足らず国外で大失言をした。「日本は戦う気がある」って民意じゃないぞ! 一人で行って戦って来い! これを言わせた自民党政権、完全に終わってんな。 副総理として日本背負ってる意識あるの?


戦争放棄してる国の国民が何を言ってるの? むしろ日本の在日米軍に「絶対動くな」とアメリカ本国に釘を指しに行くべきでしょう。

日本国民を危険にさらして、英雄にでもなったつもりか! むしろ国土も国民も憲法も守らず、非国民だ。



Vice Prime Minister Aso has finally made a major verbal blunder not only within the country but also abroad. For Vice Prime Minister Aso to claim that he is willing to "fight alongside Taiwan against China," this does not reflect the will of the Japanese people! If he truly means it, he should go alone and fight on his own! This statement has completely sealed the fate of the ruling party's administration.
As Deputy Prime Minister Japan are you conscious of carrying Japan?

If Taiwan was returned to China and both the United States and Japan establish diplomatic relations with China (People's Republic of China) according to American demands, severing ties with Taiwan, which had a close relationship with Japan, then both the United States and Japan are merely interfering in China's internal affairs.

Does Vice Prime Minister Aso understand that he is speaking as a citizen of Japan, a nation that has renounced war? How could he say that ?

Instead, he should insist to the U.S. not to make "any moves" with its military stationed in Japan. Is he considering himself a hero while putting the Japanese citizens in danger? Rather, Vice Prime Minister Aso seems unpatriotic.

As long as the U.S. military stationed in Japan, a country that has renounced war, they should refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other nations.

Japan has no intention of engaging in conflicts with any country, and there is no inclination to become a battlefield.

執筆活動へのサポート、心より感謝申し上げます_(._.)_ 大変励みになります(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡