
age3m 自己紹介 Self Introduction

1960年 大阪市城東区に生まれる。以来現在も大阪市鶴見区在住。中学高校時代は剣道部に所属。剣道三段。高校よりギターを始め『かぐや姫、アリス、風」等に影響されるも高2時代に「ディープパープル、レッドツエッペリン」に衝撃を受けエレキギターに持ち替える。大阪産業大学短期大学部で自動車整備士2級を取得。その頃は「イーグルスや当時流行していたAOR、フュージョン」に影響を受ける。
20代半ばで父親が経営する「伸和モーター」の後を継ぐも、ミュージシャンの夢は忘れられず、30歳の時憧れのアメリカ シカゴに単身旅行する。
40代 「重症筋無力症」が発症。半年間の入院生活を送る。
自転車で大阪・京都・奈良などをポタリングするのも趣味。大阪検定3級、GoogleLocalGuideとしてGoogle Mapに大阪の名所、グルメ等を投稿中。100万ビューを突破。

1960 Born in Joto-ku, Osaka. Since then, still resides in Tsurumi Ward, Osaka. Belonged to the kendo club in junior high school and high school. He is a third dan in kendo. Started playing guitar in high school and was influenced by "Kaguyahime, Alice, and Kaze," but switched to electric guitar in his junior year of high school when he was shocked by "Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. He obtained a level 2 auto mechanic certificate at Osaka Sangyo University Junior College. At that time, he was influenced by "The Eagles, AOR, and fusion," which were popular at the time. When he became a member of society, he was shocked by the Internet and bought a Macbook, and started playing computer music at the same time. In his mid-20s, he took over his father's business, Shinwa Motor, but he could not forget his dream of becoming a musician, and at the age of 30, he traveled alone to Chicago, U.S.A. In his 40s, he developed myasthenia gravis. At the age of 50, he closed Shinwa Motor. After working as an office worker, he is now a cab driver. As a musician, he has been playing in a band since his college days, and in his 30s, he played at "Tom Dooley" in Miyakojima-ku, Tokyo. Started multiple recording with a cassette MTR. He started collecting guitars and guitar amplifiers, and traded many guitars and guitar amplifiers on Yahoo! He has also purchased and sold many items on overseas auction sites such as "eBay" and "Reverb". He also enjoys riding his bicycle around Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara. He is currently posting information on Osaka's famous places, gourmet food, etc. on Google Maps as a Google Local Guide. He is currently opening a store "age3osaka" on "BASE".
