

南アフリカ出身でボツワナに亡命した作家ベッシー・アメリア・ヘッド(1937-1986)が綴った言葉たちを、その作品やエッセイ、書簡から一つずつ紹介していきます。 Rain Clo… もっと読む


#013 南アフリカとボツワナ、二つの異なる世界が私の中で調和している|ベッシー・ヘ…


#012 書くことは、男性か女性かという仕事ではない。私はフェミニストである必要はな…

I view my own activity as a writer as a kind of participation in the thought of the whol…

#011 愛はお互いに与えるもの|ベッシー・ヘッドの言葉|Novel

Love is two people mutually feeding each other, not one living on the soul of the other …

#010 人種差別のおぞましさ、でも繰り返し読まずにいられない魅惑的な小説|ベッシー…

Racialism: With all my South African experience I longed to write and enduring novel on …

#009 イエス・キリストの名を語って西洋文明がついた嘘ほど罪深いものはない|ベッシ…

The contradictions were apparent to Makhaya, and perhaps there was no greater crime as y…

#008 わたしは夫を殺したの|ベッシー・ヘッドの言葉|Novel

She introduced herself and her companions: 'My name is Kebonye. Then that's Otsetswe, Ga…

#007 醜い老婆のような考え方がこの大陸を崩壊させた|ベッシー・ヘッドの言葉|Novel

What a loathsome woman, he thought, and yet how naive she was in her evil. He had known many such evils in his lifetime. He thought they were created by poverty and oppression, some way, a protest would help to set the world right. It was