


China's massive Yulin Naval Base on Hainan Island is one of the greatest strategic interests in the region. It is home to China's nuclear ballistic missile submarine fleet—the backbone of its second-strike deterrent—as well as other submarines. It sits at the northern edge of the highly contentious South China Sea.


ballistic:弾道  deterrent:抑止力

To its east is the gateway to the open Pacific and Taiwan. The most intriguing feature of this facility is the mysterious submarine cave built into the side of a mountain that dominates the southern end of the installation. Although I have seen satellite images of the roadway barges removed from the opening, we have never seen one with a submarine actually using it, until now.

この基地の東は太平洋と台湾へ道となっている。この施設について興味を惹かれるのは施設の南端の大半を占める山の側面に謎の潜水艦用の洞窟が作られていることだ。これまで衛星写真によって開放部からroadway barges(訳者註:通路となるはしけ?)が排除されているのは見てきたが、実際に潜水艦が使用しているのを見たことがなかった。

intriguing :興味を惹かれる

You can read all about Yulin Naval Base, its submarine cave, and the very high level of strategic interest the U.S. and allied regional players put on it in this past article of ours.




The image was taken by Planet Labs, but first appeared on Radio Free Asia's social media channels. We were alerted to it via a post from @DRM_Long. Interestingly enough, not one other submarine is visible in the satellite image. The docks are completely empty. This also seems exceedingly rare based on our monitoring experience.

この画像はPlanet Labsが撮影したものだが、一番初めに Radio Free Asiaのソーシャルメディアに投稿された。我々は@DRM_Long. の投稿に警戒感を高められた。興味深いことに、この衛星画像には一隻もほかの潜水艦を見ることができない。埠頭は完全にカラになっている。これは我々の観測に基づけばとてもレアなことである。

Interestingly enough:興味深いのは


The docks that usually host a number of submarines are completely empty.


It isn't clear exactly what type of submarine is seen in the image, but our best guess would be a Shang class/Type 093 nuclear attack submarine. The type seen is really beside the point, what's important is that we finally get to see this James Bond-esque feature in action.


James Bond-esque :ジェームズボンドのような

As for where all the other submarines are, we have no clue. Tensions are exceedingly high in the region and the U.S. has massively upped its presence there. Meanwhile, Taiwan has gone on elevated alert as China executes war games nearby. While some of those drills could and likely do involve submarines based at Yalin, it's also possible that others have moved inside the mountain, as well. Why exactly remains unclear.


As for~:~に関しては exceedingly:極めて




・最初のほうの「roadway barges」の日本語訳がよくわかりませんでした。地下基地工事に使う足場代わりのはしけのことなのか?と想像したりしましたが、確証が得られなかったのでそのままにしてあります。もしお分かりの方がいらっしゃいましたら教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
