
I'm always myself

Today, I’m going to apply for a passport at city hall in between work. On a different note, when scrolling through X(Twitter), there are negative comments or posts mixed in , and it really can wear me out at times. I’m not kind of the person who uses filthy or vulgar language, whether it's in Japanese or English, so I find it hard to see eye to eye with those who do. My original and fundamental personality remains unchanged despite speaking languages other than my native one. In that sense, I'm always myself, no matter how I adapt. 

Four straight days off are just around the corner! Let's push through today.
Sometimes, taking a break from social media is necessarily for maintaining mental health, I suppose.
May your weekend be filled with lovely moments as well.

[ New Words ]
・push through : 押し進める
   push through a decision / push through a crowd 


