
AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)で「2時間ルール」の対応へ Business English #35

今回は AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)で「2時間ルール」の対応へ の英訳でビジネス英語をまなびます!

■Addressing the "2-hour rule" with AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot)

Phoxter Inc. will open an R&D center at the logistics facility LOGI'Q Minami Ibaraki in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, and will start demonstration experiments of communication with various automated equipment in collaboration with Tokyu Land and NTT Communications. In addition, the R&D center will also develop and improve its own Autonomous Mobile Robot (hereinafter "AMR" *1).

In the future, this R&D center will organically link various automated equipment to verify total solutions for customers working on logistics DX. The R&D center is scheduled to open to the public from September 17, 2024 for businesses with a high interest in logistics DX.

■Background and purpose
Since its founding in 2017, Phoxter has provided automated guided transport solutions using more than 2,000 AMRs to a total of more than 100 companies. In the logistics industry, more efficient warehouse operations and labor-saving are required against the backdrop of population decline and the 2024 problem. For example, in order to comply with the so-called "two-hour rule" (a rule that limits the time spent waiting for cargo and loading and unloading to two hours) that shippers will be required to follow from April 2024, efficient, rationalized, and visualized work in logistics warehouses are effective measures. To address these issues, Phoxter will use the R&D center as a place to verify DX solutions for the rationalization of logistics processes, and will conduct demonstration experiments using various automated equipment and demonstration experiments using high-speed communication technologies such as local 5G and local 4G (sXGP communication *2). Through these demonstration experiments, we aim to further improve the work efficiency and labor-saving of logistics processes, and to realize operation management and preventive maintenance through real-time visualization.

■ Features of the R&D center
・ Streamlining verification of total solutions for logistics processes
Phoxter's business concept is "Ideas with total optimization and customer-oriented proposals." In addition to AMR, we will verify the optimal total solution for customers by utilizing various automated equipment required for warehousing to retrieval, such as automatic guided forklifts (AGF), carton transport robots (CTU), 3D pallet shuttles*3, 3D sorters*4, picking robots, and palletizing robots. In addition, we will promote the development of new solutions and the provision of preventive maintenance services for various automated equipment by performing image inspection using the AI ​​image processing function of our in-house controller StellaController 2.0, and by collecting, storing, and analyzing various image data in real time using high-speed communication.

・Demonstration experiment of new communication technology
In conventional AMR communication using Wi-Fi, various considerations were required for building a wireless environment, such as eliminating radio wave interference with other Wi-Fi devices, appropriate placement of Wi-Fi access points, and eliminating variations in radio wave strength within the AMR's operating range. This time, we will verify local 5G with Tokyu Land and local 4G (sXGP communication) with NTT Com, and develop a next-generation transport system that can easily build a high-speed and stable wireless environment.

・Development of in-house AMR
We will develop and improve our own AMR that is compatible with the new communication method. By developing AMRs in-house, we will be able to stably operate more than 500 units over a wide area, and develop control software and hardware with smart group control.

・Collaboration with shippers
Phoxter's AMR system will be introduced to Yahata Co., Ltd. and Wellfun Co., Ltd., which are located within LOGI'Q Minamiibaraki, where the R&D center will be located. In the future, we will strengthen our collaboration with shippers who are working on issues such as the 2024 problem, and proceed with demonstration experiments and effectiveness verification of various logistics DX at the R&D center.

■Future developments
Based on the new R&D center, Phoxter, Tokyu Land, and NTT Com will promote further technological innovation and market expansion, such as remote operation and monitoring using high-quality networks, clouds, and security services. This will promote DX in the logistics and manufacturing industries, and aim to build an overall optimized logistics system and a system that can make optimal proposals to customers.

*1: AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot) is a robot that does not require physical guidelines when moving, but makes its own decisions and automatically avoids people and obstacles.

*2: sXGP communication is a license-free communication standard that uses 1.9GHz. It prevents radio interference and variations in radio wave strength, and achieves stable communication.

*3: 3D pallet shuttle is a system that moves freely back and forth and left and right within a rack to store luggage.

*4: 3D sorter is a machine that automatically sorts products. Normally, sorting is done in one layer, but 3D sorters automatically sort in multiple layers, making it possible to sort with high area efficiency.

■AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)で「2時間ルール」の対応へ




Phoxterの事業コンセプトは「全体最適で着想し、顧客志向で提案する。」です。AMRに加え、自動搬送フォークリフト(AGF)、カートン搬送ロボット(CTU)、3Dパレットシャトル※3、3Dソーター※4、ピッキングロボット、パレタイズロボットなど、入庫から出庫に必要な様々な自動化機器を活用し、お客様に最適なトータルソリューションの検証を行います。また、自社製コントローラーStellaController 2.0のAI画像処理機能を用いた画像検品や、様々な画像データを高速通信を用いてリアルタイムに収集、蓄積、分析することで、新たなソリューションの開発と各種自動化機器の予防保全サービスの提供を推進します。

従来のWi-Fiを用いたAMRの通信では、他のWi-Fiデバイスとの電波干渉やWi-Fiアクセスポイントの適切な配置、AMRの稼働範囲の電波強度のばらつきを無くすなど、無線環境構築に様々な配慮が必要でした。今回、東急不動産とローカル5Gの検証、NTT Comとローカル4G(sXGP通信)の検証を行い、高速かつ安定した無線環境を簡単に構築できる次世代の搬送システムを開発します。



新R&Dセンターを基盤に、Phoxter、東急不動産、NTT Comの3社は高品質なネットワークやクラウド、セキュリティサービスによる遠隔操作・監視など、さらなる技術革新と市場展開を推進します。これにより、物流業界や製造業のDXを促進し、全体最適の物流システムの構築とお客様に最適な提案を行う体制を目指します。

※1:AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)とは、走行に際して物理的なガイドラインを必要とせず、自ら判断し、人や障害物を自動的に回避し移動するロボットです。


※3:3Dパレットシャトルとは、ラック 内を前後左右自在に動き荷物を保管するシステムです。


2024年9月6日:株式会社Phoxter、物流DXのトータルソリューションを促進するR&Dセンターを大阪府茨木市に開設し、東急不動産・NTTコミュニケーションズと実証実験を開始|地域からの発表(関西)|ドコモビジネス|NTTコミュニケーションズ 企業情報



R&D center 研究開発センター
demonstration experiments 実証実験
automated equipment 自動化機器
autonomous mobile robot (AMR) 自律移動ロボット (AMR)
warehouse operations 倉庫運営
labor-saving 省人化
population decline 人口減少
two-hour rule 2時間ルール
rationalization 合理化
visualization 見える化
high-speed communication 高速通信
local 5G ローカル5G
local 4G (sXGP communication) ローカル4G (sXGP通信)
work efficiency 作業効率
preventive maintenance 予防保全
image processing 画像処理
wireless environment 無線環境
radio interference 電波干渉
control software 制御ソフトウェア
technological innovation 技術革新
market expansion 市場展開
remote operation 遠隔操作
security services セキュリティサービス

今回の英文からTOEIC Part5 を想定した英語フレーズをまなびます!


The new R&D center will focus on developing innovative technologies.
We will conduct demonstration experiments to test the new system.
Automated equipment can significantly improve productivity.
The autonomous mobile robot (AMR) navigates the warehouse independently.
自律移動ロボット (AMR) は倉庫内を自動で移動します。
Efficient warehouse operations are crucial for timely deliveries.
Implementing labor-saving technologies can reduce operational costs.
Population decline is a significant challenge for the logistics industry.
The two-hour rule aims to reduce waiting times for cargo handling.
Rationalization of processes can lead to more efficient operations.
Visualization of data helps in making informed decisions.
High-speed communication is essential for real-time data transfer.
Local 5G networks provide faster and more reliable connections.
Local 4G (sXGP communication) is used for stable wireless communication.
ローカル4G (sXGP通信) は安定した無線通信に使用されます。
Improving work efficiency is a key goal for our company.
Preventive maintenance can help avoid unexpected equipment failures.
Image processing technology is used for quality control.
A stable wireless environment is necessary for seamless operations.
Radio interference can disrupt communication between devices.
Our control software ensures precise operation of automated systems.
Technological innovation drives our company’s growth.
Market expansion is a key strategy for increasing revenue.
Remote operation allows for monitoring systems from anywhere.
Security services protect our data and infrastructure.

今回はCopilot ChatGPT-4に倉庫内のロボティクステクノロジーについて聞きました!


1. AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot)

2. 自動搬送フォークリフト (AGF)
AGF(Automated Guided Forklift)は、無人でフォークリフトのように荷物を搬送するロボットです。システムやセンサー、GPSなどで制御され、障害物を避けて自動で荷物を運びます。

3. カートン搬送ロボット (CTU)
CTU(Carton Transfer Unit)は、標準的な箱やカートンなどの搬送を自動化するロボットです。複数のカートンを同時に搬送でき、ピッキング効率と保管容量を向上させます。




今回は AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot)で「2時間ルール」の対応へ の英訳でビジネス英語の表現をまなびました!



