

English follows.











かれんは、日本の小学校にいた時から、学校がつまらない、早くオランダのインターナショナルスクールに行きたいと口にしていました。かれんは塾に行っていたこともあって学校の授業が簡単すぎてつまらない、先生は予習をしてはだめ(復習しかしてはいけないそうです)というし、暇すぎたそうです。また、あれはダメ、これはダメ、といろいろ制限が多いことがストレスだと言っていました。かれんは空気を読んで周りに合わせたりすることはしないタイプの子で、やりたいこともはっきりしていて自己主張が強めの子どもなので、日本のカルチャーにはあまり合わないかもしれないと私たちも思っていました。ちなみに、英語はできないのですが、本人はできると思っています(笑)。こればかりは、本当に私たちも不思議なのですが、すごく自信があるのです。学校でEAL(英語力が不足している子どもたちのための英語クラス)が始まると、私は英語ができるのになぜEALに通わねばならないのか、不服であると述べましたので、私たちもお口あんぐりです(笑)。そんな彼女なので、インターナショナルスクール、初日から学校楽しかったー!と言うことで、毎日水を得た魚のように生き生きと過ごしております。公園遊びの時にも、「Hey!! XXX(友達の名前), Let's go!! 」「Come here!!」とみんなに声かけまくって遊びまくっている姿を見て、頼もしい限りです。



The Netherlands is said to have the world's highest level of child well-being, which seems to come from this UNICEF survey.
(Extract from website)
The top ranking countries were the Netherlands (1st), Denmark (2nd) and Norway (3rd). The top 19 places were all European countries, with Japan in 20th place. Japan ranked first in the world in physical health, but second from the bottom in mental health at 37th. It also stagnated in skills, ranking 27th. In mental health, life satisfaction ranked 37th, pushing down overall. In skills, they were fifth in maths and language levels, but 37th in making friends.

In the Netherlands, where children are said to be happy, our children have started school. In this article I would like to write about school.
The school options for our children in the Netherlands include an international school with classes in English, a local school in Dutch and a Japanese school in Japanese. Originally, my husband and I favoured an international school or a local school because it would give them a more local experience in an environment richer in diversity than a Japanese school, since we were abroad. However, the local school would only accept children who had reached a certain level of Dutch.  After 1-2 years of Dutch language school, our children will be able to have places there.  It was not suitable for us as we were only planning to stay for two years, so we chose an international school.

There are two types of international schools: Dutch International Schools, which are subsidised by the Dutch government, and non Dutch International Schools. We cannot afford to pay for the non Dutch international school. So we chose Dutch International. However, because of the low tuition fees, it was naturally very popular and many schools did not have any vacancies at the halfway point in April to allow us to transfer. The school that finally accepted me was the current school, which is relatively new and small. When Kai and Karen visited the school, they did not have a very positive impression of it compared to the primary school they attended in Japan, with smaller class sizes, smaller school buildings and a smaller schoolyard.

Now, when they started attending the school, they found that it was different from Japanese schools in many ways. In a word, it is loose rules, fun place to be. As for the curriculum and the content of the classes, we haven't had a chance to see the classes yet and I don't have a proper understanding of it either. I'm afraid I don't have the most important parts, but I'll write about them when I know more about them. The points that I thought were different from Japan are as follows.

Less personal belongings.

The first thing that surprised me was how little they had to bring with them When we went to visit the school before the first day of school, I asked them about what they need to bring and they told me that they didn't need anything. He told me to just bring lunch and snacks. He said they would borrow textbooks and iPads from the school, and that they didn't even need notebooks or writing materials. In Japan, they have heavy school bags full of textbooks, iPads, writing materials, luncheon mats, plus gym clothes, paints, keyboard harmonica, calligraphy bags and a lot of other things, and the physical burden of carrying them every day and the financial burden of buying them all was quite heavy!

Loose school rules.

Although there are very basic school rules, such as no violence and no smart phones, clothes and personal belongings are quite free. Since she was in Japan, Karen has been the type of child who wants to express her own personality, such as wanting to have her ears pierced and wanting to keep her long hair unbound (she wears it up during PE and school lunch duty, but otherwise she likes to keep it down). And while she was in Japan, she got her ears pierced and went to school with them taped to my ears for about two weeks. It is extraordinary for a 10-year-old girl to get her ears pierced in Japan so she had to hide them. 
Now she goes to school in high spirits, wearing her favourite earrings and fluttering her long hair! Many of her classmates also usually have piercings. When we were in Japan, there were many rules that made no sense (to me), such as needing to apply to the teacher to bring lip balm to school, no hooded clothes, having to buy designated gym clothes, school swimming costumes and school slippers, no football in the school grounds, and so on. When I asked the school why, all I got were answers that didn't make sense. I am a Japanese born and bred in Japan, but I feel more comfortable with the Dutch international school's way of thinking on these rules than with the Japanese public primary school's way of thinking...

No homework.

It has been about three weeks since they started attending the school and so far there has not been a single homework assignment! I hope the children are not hiding it from me. When we were in Japan, the children were very busy every day with school homework, cram school homework and other lessons such as football and ballet. Japanese schools make them study properly, and many things have been acquired because of that, so there is a positive side though. My impression is that maths here is 1-2 years behind in Japan. If you go to school here, you will certainly not be able to keep up with studies in Japan.
The other day, the weather was fine, so after school they went to the park near the school and played with their school friends until the evening. It is a child-like way to spend time. Our children have grown up in Japan and do not speak English, but perhaps language is not so important when children play with each other.

Now, regarding school, our two children have very contrasting attitudes.
In Karen's case 
Ever since she was in primary school in Japan, she said that school was boring and that she wanted to go to an international school in the Netherlands as soon as possible. She said that school was too easy and boring for her because she had been going to cram school and learned already in advance, the teachers told her not to do any preparation (she was only allowed to review) and she had too much free time during classes. She also said that she was stressed by the many restrictions, such as not being allowed to do this or that. Karen is the type of child who doesn't read the atmosphere and doesn't conform to others, she is very clear about what she wants to do and is very assertive, so we thought that she might not fit in well with the Japanese culture. Incidentally, she doesn't speak English, but she thinks she does. This is really strange for us too, but he is very confident. When EAL (English as a foreign language class for children with limited English ability) started at her school, she said she was unhappy about why she had to go to EAL when she could speak English, so we were amazed. She is such a good student, so the international school, from the first day, she enjoyed school! She has been lively like a fish out of water every day. Even when playing in the park, she shouted "Hey! XXX (her friend's name), Let's go!", "Come here!" It is very encouraging to see her playing around and calling out to everyone.

In Kai's case
Kai was loved by his friends and teachers, and was a leader in his class when he was in Japan. He also had a gentle nature and is very friend-oriented. In short, he did very well at school in Japan. When our moving to the Netherlands was decided, his biggest worry was his English. He said, "I don't want to go to an international school because I'm not good at English" and "I'm the type of person who takes a long time to learn."
This is a difference, even though his level of English is on a par with Karen's! He did a Google search on his own and insisted that there was a Japanese school in the Netherlands and he wanted to go there. After much consideration, my husband and I decided to persuade him to try his luck at an international school for three months until the summer holidays. Kai did not agree, but he reluctantly started attending an international school.  He still responded negatively, saying that not understanding the language was stressful and that he didn't enjoy it because he didn't understand what was being said. At night, he complains that he doesn't want to go to school tomorrow... he wants to go to a Japanese school... he wants to go back to Japan temporarily during the summer holidays... It seems that it is hard for him to leave his happy life in Japan and spend long hours every day in a new environment where he does not understand the language. When I think about how I feel with Kai, I also feel sad.
But even in such a situation, for some reason He has never said he did not want to go to school in the morning, rather he urges his sister to leave early and pedals his bicycle at a very high speed. What is the meaning of this? The secret lies in the free time they have before classes start. At the international school, if you arrive early, you can play in the school grounds until classes start. One day, after dropping the children off at school, I saw that Kai parked his bike and headed straight for the football court. He walked in amongst the children playing football and even high-fived the girls with a smile on his face! Apparently, he is surely playing football before this class and is accepted there. (Kai has been playing football since he was little in Japan, and I don't know if he would be accepted in a real Dutch football team, but at least he can play reasonably well in school yard football.)
We think that these 15 minutes before class might be his lifeline now. I don't know what will happen in the future, but what I can do now is try my best to get up early and try to arrive at school early. I really hope that football will be an opportunity for him to make friends at school and gradually get used to it. Kai is our biggest concern at the moment.

It's been a very long article. Thank you for reading this.

