
I want to try to be neutral. It’s so hard b…


I want to try to be neutral. It’s so hard but I’m gonna try.



Have you ever thought about being here?? Have you ever someone say that “are you here with me”?? いままで、本当に在るよ。と、ここに在るよって言われたことはあるだろうか? またはあり続けてるよ?と言われたことがあるだろうか? なにもないと、なにかあるは紙一重だとは想わないだろうか?? I sometimes lost what is real or what I face i

    • Dear you.

      You are the most important thing in the world or on the planet. didn't know how to compare or how to measure. Cuz life should not be measured by anyone. you are you. you are being you. and you deserve everything. you are loved. you are pre

      • 大好きな🇯🇵へ

        どこに行っても、誰と話をしてても、私は幸せのブラックホールの中に堕ちていく気分。 実際の居住空間は地球なのに、いつも無重力で空気がないみたい。もちろんコミュニケーションは可能で人間や動物との意思疎通は可能なのですが、同じ言語ですら意思の疎通ができなくてくだらない喧嘩や言い愛になる。♡ その相手が家族だったり、好きな人だったり、会社の上司であったりと社会的な地位や取引先の上司であったり。人間はモノとは喧嘩なんてしないのにねえ。(八つ当たりはしてしまいます) 空気なんて見えな

        • ❄︎

          形ないモノ 塊の雪 行き先のないgoal 雪だるまを作りたい 雪像車に乗りたい 切実に節日 雪の無い国に雪を比喩する方法を模索している When kids asked me what does it feel like to be touched by snow ?🤟🏻 I could explain how it feels like. But it doesn’t mean they can touched ? You know ?? 雪の冷たさや、儚さ、寒くて痛いと


          2020+1 in Summer edition

          It feels unrealistic to say that but my 2020+1= Tokyo 2020 was the best summer I’ve ever had. It was one of my dreams since 2013 I believe I was in Tokyo or Sydney… and then I created 5 years plan. I wrote every year and country name. I lo

          2020+1 in Summer edition

          Happiness for your happiness.

          Idk why I wrote the title like this but I just do it anyway. Recently I've been thinking about how I’m going to survive this “world” or “society”. Because the world we live in right now is different from what I've image or thought. 2 8 Am

          Happiness for your happiness.