

Introduction はじめに 

Hello, I’m Zhumei Song. I came to Japan from China 4 years ago.
みなさん、こんにちは。宋 竹梅(ソウ ジュウメイ)です。4年前中国から日本に来ました。

I joined Atrae in December 2021 through experienced hires and am now working as a front-end engineer of Wevox, an organizational empowerment platform.

In this note, I will lightly reflect on my career choices and honestly talk about my impressions of the first year since joining Atrae.

30 Years Old, Past & Future 30歳、過去と未来

There is a Chinese saying that goes  "At thirty, I stood firm"(三十而立), which means that one's ambition and proposition mostly take root around the age of 30, and one's personal goals have become part of one's life after time and practice.

2020, I’m 30 years old.
The 8th year of someone calling me mom.
The 7th year of working as a front-end engineer. 
The 2nd year of living in Japan. 

30 years old, I know myself better.

So just do it if you think you should. 

The philosopher Kant once said: the so-called freedom is not to do as you wish, but to be self-dominant. The sense of ownership of self brings freedom. If you decide to do something,  take the responsibility for its result.

I want to meet like-minded people and join a team that is constantly initiating challenges and wants to change the world.

You May Match Atrae! アトラエにマッチするかも!

In 2020, after working at an outsourcing company for 5 years, I decided that I wanted to join a company that makes its own products because I had already gained a variety of development experience at an outsourcing company and then I thought that if I could be involved in the gradual evolution of a product until it matures, I would be so happy and have a sense of achievement. I wanted to join a company that creates its own products.

Dai, who was in the same team, left and joined Atrae. When I first joined the Japanese company, she took care of me a lot, and we had a lot of fun working together. While chatting with her, I felt she had a new look after changing jobs. I was curious about what kind of attractive company it was that could make people change so much in a short time, and she was full of energy. Later on, we had a one-year agreement. If she still thought Atrae was a company worth recommending after one year, she would recommend me for an interview.

I resonated a lot with Atrae's core value: As Atrae “owners,” we strive to create an ideal organization driven by our own ideas and sense of responsibility, without leaving the future to others. The awareness of ownership is so important. Do not obsess about what it will bring to you, just do it if you think you should. So in the fall of 2021, on Dai's recommendation, I interviewed and joined Atrae and started a new adventure.

Since I Joined Atrae アトラエに入社して

I joined Atrae almost a year, and I am working as a front-end engineer in the Wevox product team, the details are:

  • Front-end microservices-based system migration フロントエンドマイクロサービスベースのシステム移行

  • New feature development 新機能の開発

  • Improvement of existing features 既存機能の改善

etc. Looking back since I joined Atrae, here are some points that I think Atrae is so special.

Own Will and Responsibility
Many companies focus a lot on SOPs, and standard operating procedures, and people work like screws in a large machine. Slowly, people feel that they just have to do their job as required and no need to care about the end result. Working in Atrae's team, you define your own goal, one that you want to do and contribute to the company, and you are directly responsible for its outcome. When you go to work with a sense of responsibility, the purpose of doing things is no longer to get the job done but to get things done well. This will fully mobilize your initiative and will constantly adjust your path to reach the goal you want to achieve.

Listening and Expressing
When you make a point and are denied and ignored, slowly you hesitate whether you should say anything or even nothing at all. Atrae's communication is a two-way street, where listening and expressing are equally important. The purpose of communication is not to convince the other person to obey you, but rather I sincerely listen to you and express my thoughts and opinions based on understanding your intentions and position. This culture of two-way communication brings about an environment where one can communicate freely. A free communication environment brings prosperity to the team.

Challenge Culture
Yes, at Atrae, you can be challenged to do whatever you want or need to do, and that helps the best people and resources flow to the best places. The product team of Wevox, where I work, is a dynamic and creative team. Members think broadly and in different ways. Recently, in addition to front-end development work, I have been actively planning feature improvements. We hope that by fully understanding the expectations of customers and peers, and colliding with everyone's ideas, we can produce features that are valuable to customers and exceed expectations.

Closing 最後に

This is the story from when I decided to change jobs to my first year in Atrae. So grateful for an environment that allows us to take on all kinds of challenges. So much more I want to do, work with team members, inspire each other, and keep going on adventures!


