Yuyu Dedachi


Yuyu Dedachi

考えてること、気づいたこと、学んだこと、感謝なこと…もっと言葉にしてみよっかな。Just wanted to share some thoughts, what I've been learning and some revelations :)


What is faith...?

It really has been a while since the last post. How have you been? I've been trying my best to get used to life as a businesswoman. Working every day from morning to night- learning new things every day, making mistakes, and struggling with

    • Habits #3 "When habits fail"

      So, it's almost been two months since the last article... can't believe how time flies. And I just want to let you know, that my walk of faith has been deteriorating the past month. All of those which I considered were becoming good habits

      • Habits #2 "The habit of fear"

        So... I've been experiencing a huge change in my life these past two weeks. I finished college (yay!) and started working in a company... and it's been humbling and overwhelming at the same time. Moving to a new environment, living in a n

        • Habits #1 "Tracking it down"

          What are your habits? A habit, according to google is, "a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up". During the month of June, I challenged myself to track my habits. I made a habit tracker in my jou

        What is faith...?

          Nothing else matters

          I read a verse from Hebrews today, and it humbled me in areas that I never even noticed that I had harbored and nurtured pride. The passage was about a high priest named Melchizedek. The name means "the king of righteousness" and the "kin

          Nothing else matters

          The weeping is over.

          There is a song that has spoken to me this morning. It's called "The Myre and the Myrtle" by Frontier Music, and here are the lyrics: "Though night seems long, I remember the sound of Your goodness You sing Your song to surround me with de

          The weeping is over.

          When raising my voice doesn't feel quite right.

          The world right now is facing a new change after the global pandemic that killed thousands and millions of people, and still is eating away the lives of so many. The world is now raising their voices against inequality, racism, murder, and

          When raising my voice doesn't feel quite right.

          The journey of prayer #4 "Living in prayer"

          I realized something about life recently. "To truly live is to experience the Word of God." This just popped up in my head one day as I was remembering all that's happened in the past few months, and how God's been faithful to me all alo

          The journey of prayer #4 "Living in prayer"

          The journey of prayer #3 "The proneness to pride"

          This is the third article on my prayer journey during the quarantine. During this journey of rediscovering the importance of being connected to God through prayer, I have also been using a devotional book to explain the Word and the applica

          The journey of prayer #3 "The proneness to pride"

          The journey of prayer #2 "The providence in prayer"

          In the previous article, I shared about how I came to remember Jesus' deep anguish of love. Jesus hurt from his love and compassion for those around Him. Likewise, we also are given the heart to experience and act on love, the love with dee

          The journey of prayer #2 "The providence in prayer"

          The journey of prayer #1 "The deep anguish of Love"

          It's been almost three months since quarantine, and it seems like the pandemic is finally leaning towards wrapping up its journey. This time of separation and isolation has taught me so many things. Who would've thought that staying home an

          The journey of prayer #1 "The deep anguish of Love"

          The pursuit of humility.

          This corona chaos and quarantine madness have been driving us crazy. It's not just that our hearts are overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown, but it's also the sudden changes in life and the unexpected turnout of events. The fear of not be

          The pursuit of humility.

          Moving on.

          The past month has been a hell of a rollercoaster ride. God has been so patient with me in this whole process. He's been shaping me (it literally feels like He's hammering me in every direction) into His desired shape- through the Scripture

          "Return to me"

          Return to me. The Lord is constantly speaking to us, telling us "Return to me". A few days ago, I was randomly looking through the scripture to find a verse that I could add to the letter I was writing (for my grandma). Then, my eyes saw

          "Return to me"

          Compassion, again. (#3) Reflections from Micah 7:18-20

          I just wanna get away from the chaos of life. It's that kind of day. I just wanna go drive into the middle of nowhere, bathe in sunshine, drink tea and look at nature. It's that kind of day. But I am here, sitting in a Starbucks in Shinju

          Compassion, again. (#3) Reflections from Micah 7:18-20

          Entering Repentance

          Repentance is not something that comes from us naturally. But I've been slowly experiencing the power of repentance before God and our neighbors. It's not easy: it's embarrassing, it's humiliating, and it's scary. But it is so worth it.

          Entering Repentance