
Compassion, again. (#3) Reflections from Micah 7:18-20

I just wanna get away from the chaos of life. It's that kind of day. I just wanna go drive into the middle of nowhere, bathe in sunshine, drink tea and look at nature. It's that kind of day. 

But I am here, sitting in a Starbucks in Shinjuku- dragging myself out of my cozy home and forcing myself into a situation where I have no choice but to study/work. And I know that my heart and soul is thirsting for the Word- for His presence to fill my heart again. I haven't been able to have a quiet time in this hectic week...and to be honest, I don't feel like reading the Bible. But I know I should, and yeah. This is not a great state to be in- especially when attempting to share my faith and experience and whatever...it's a constant battle. 

But today's verse on the Bible app was: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (Psalms 119:105). My feet feel like they're wandering without a purpose or a goal; my path seems dark and foggy. But I'm gonna believe in these words. I'm gonna believe that the Word is, indeed a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 

So today, I am writing this, in full vulnerability, as I reflect on the Word, as I boldly come before His throne of grace in uncertainty; with such faulty, fragile faith; in state of total weakness; mentally fatigued by my own poor decisions. My only hope is God, and the knowledge of His unwavering faithfulness and compassion for me. 

Now, will you join me in prayer... Lord, thank you for this time to sit here and read your word. I am so full of sin, God. My mind is overwhelmed by thoughts that do not honor you nor praise you. I feel so ashamed of myself. Father, please cleanse my heart from sin and make me pure. Please heal this broken heart, and help me find joy in You. Help me focus on You- and not myself. Thank you for your cross and your salvation. Thank you for blessing me in every way. Lord, you are my Lord. Please break me, melt me, mold me, and fill me with your Spirit. Please help me learn more about you, and learn how to live today to honor and glorify you. In Jesus' name, amen. 

3. Compassion... again.

Looking at Micah 7:18-20 here, again. 

"Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. You will be faithful to Jacob, and show love to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our ancestors in days long ago" (Micah 7:18-20)

Compassion... Well, what is compassion...? what, how, why, when...? I don't know so let's google it. Here are some definitions of the word "compassion": 

Merriam-Webster// Compassion (n.) sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. 
Cambridge English Dictionary// Compassion (n.) a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them. 

I honestly don't know how to process the idea of "compassion" right now. It just feels so foreign to me right now... but I guess we can take a moment to focus on the word"compassion". Micah 7:19 says, "You will again have compassion on us;", so we know that God is compassionate and that he shows compassion over us, repeatedly. But what about us? Are we compassionate?

How compassionate are we (am I)?

Compassion doesn't naturally come to me. I live every day thinking about my own personal loss and gain which might result from my actions. This is embarrassing to say, but I seriously cannot remember the last time I did something for someone out of compassion. Can you remember? (Well, I feel terrible about myself now... Jesus, please forgive me for thinking only for the good of myself, and not showing compassion to others. Please teach me how to be compassionate, and to desire to be more like you. Help me to be more compassionate like You, God.)

Some people, like Mother Teresa, are really famous for showing compassion. There are always some people at church or in a community who is known for being compassionate. But me, I was never the person of "compassion". Compassion is something that feels quite foreign to me, and I've never really pursued compassion as my strength or quality to shape myself. But wait. 

Compassion IS one of Jesus' greatest and well-known characteristics. Jesus' compassion is known even by those who do not really call themselves Christians or believers. Jesus is so well known for his deep compassion for the poor, the weak, the lonely, and the sinful. From this fact, we have no choice but to believe that compassion is something that is looked for and should be pursued by every believer... especially if we're a believer and call ourselves followers of Christ. 

How compassionate is God?

God's the fountain, the source of compassion. His compassion for us is displayed in such a clear and visible way that everyone- whether a believer or non-believer- can all feel it and experience it. God's compassion overcomes differences of religion, appearances, gender, beliefs, experiences, age, language, culture, and basically everything. There are many songs that sing how "love conquers all", and while this is true, I'm realizing now, that "compassion conquers all" as well. God's love and compassion are inseparable. 

God's compassion is the motivation, the engine, the reason behind grace. God's compassion is the foundation of salvation. It's the powerful force behind mercy and forgiveness. It's the immovable pillars beholding the Word of God and every single blessing he has blessed us with and through. God's compassion is the ultimate cause of redemption. 

God's love for us leads to salvation. His compassion for us leads to His repeated forgiveness and mercy, today. We sin every moment, over and over, again and again. But the Lord is compassionate, over and over, again and again. He not only chooses to forgive us, but he KNOWS and SYMPATHIZES with our struggle with sin. He understands our pain and suffering, our fears, guilts, and shame. He chooses to not give up on us but rather to stay by our side, comforting and leading us into His presence. Lord, thank you for your compassion for us.

Jesus' compassion for us, today. 

I've been trying to pray at most random moments of the day, through the direct words from the scripture like Psalm 23. I've memorized this world-famous passage forever ago, but am recently realizing the power of these simple words of prayer. This passage begins with this: "The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul." (Psalm 23:1-3)

Jesus' compassion for us is displayed here, in this picture. The Lord is my shepherd, and I lack nothing. It assures that I am fully and completely blessed where I am, in this life, this environment, this current situation. I lack nothing. The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures- the soft and delicious green grass with rich soil so comforting to rest upon, and with a cool touch to relieve the heated, overdriven soul. He leads me beside quiet waters- free to drink until I'm totally replenished, where I can rest and hear the sound of dancing waters in the relaxing quiet. He refreshes my soul. Amen. He refreshes my soul. 

Whenever I don't know what to pray, or whenever I suddenly realize I have time to spare, I repeat to myself these words from Psalm 23. Like during long work shifts or my commute to uni. These little moments have really, and truly, blessed me in ways I had never imagined. I could feel my heart and mind calm down and my weary soul regain its strength. God's compassion truly restores our hearts. 

Living upon His compassion. 

"and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority." (Colossians 2:10)

I originally began writing this article, wanting to physically exist in a different space where I imagined I'd be free from the chaos of life. But I'm realizing now, that I'd still be at the same place- both mind and heart- if I don't find rest in Him. I'm realizing now, that we are brought to fullness in Christ, and we are at the place where He's decided to put us. And everything, although it seems like it's totally out of control and so full of problems, is under the power and authority of Christ. Jesus' got this under control. Thank you, Lord.

God is so compassionate to us, and he is always, ALWAYS wanting us to find rest in Him. To come before him and let him comfort us, to let Him take control and lift our burdens. He wants us to rest in intimate love where He can lead us to the truly refreshing place. He wants to experience and learn more about His compassion, so that we may become like Him and show compassion to others around us. God's love is displayed most visibly through acts of compassion, so let's ask God to help us live like Jesus, today. To show compassion to others, just as Jesus touched and healed the sick and the wounded. 

How can we live knowing and daily remembering His compassion? How can we act upon compassion today? How can we use our talents, words, and actions to show love through compassion? 
