
昨日、朝日新聞社の言論サイト「論座」に私の論考「五つの要因から必然だったプロ野球の「9回打ち切り、延長戦なし」」 が掲載されました。



[1]鈴村裕輔, 五つの要因から必然だったプロ野球の「9回打ち切り、延長戦なし」」. 論座, 2021年4月7日, https://webronza.asahi.com/national/articles/2021032600002.html.

<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: Five Reasons Why the NPB Introduces the "No Extra Innings" Rule (Yusuke Suzumura)

My articles entitled with "Five Reasons Why the NPB Introduces the "No Extra Innings" Rule" is run on the RONZA on 7th April 2021. In this articles I examined a meaning of the NPB's decision to apply the "No Extra Innings" Rule for the 2021 season.
