











 ​I was a judge.


  ​It's getting dark earlier these days. How are you? ​On the contrary, I spend every day alone in the quiet of the night in my laboratory.

 ​By the way, since I became a college teacher, I have been often asked to be a member or a judge. ​I have been a member of the committee before, but if I am a college teacher, I am often appointed as the chairman, so I have a great responsibility. ​Rather than saying that nothing has changed, since I became a teacher, I think my screening ability has deteriorated because of the decrease in field experience, but I also feel from this point that having a title as a college teacher is trusted. ​(I'm probably the only college teacher who thinks of this .)

 ​Yesterday was a long screening of 3 hours, so I'm quite tired. ​It takes a lot of time including the preliminary examination of documents. ​However, as we have done a lot of screening so far, it seems that they have acquired the ability to grasp the main points and see them quickly. ​On the other hand, if you read too much of the application form, you can read the context that you didn't write, so it's a bad thing that the screening becomes harsh.

 ​However, the secretariat of the screening had been doing it for a long time, so the secretariat side understands the hardships well. ​Therefore, we tried to add comments to make it easier for the secretariat to work.

 There are a lot of jobs like this that I don't have to do, but I try to get outside jobs as much as possible. ​On the other hand, I started to decline jobs that I don't really need because I know the priority of the work on campus. ​However, unfortunately, the secretariat is too busy to respond to requests from us, so it is difficult for me to undertake the office work as much as possible.

 ​ It is not limited to universities, but it is no exaggeration to say that the function of the secretariat affects the management of the organization. ​However, it is true that some university teachers try to use the office as if it were their hands and feet. ​This will lower the morale of the secretariat staff and may lead to the conclusion of the worst possible retirement. ​In fact, some employees of our college have retired and are recruiting.

 ​When I mentioned these issues to the teachers around me, they often said, "Why don't you be the secretary general?". ​There are people who actually manage the office while working as a university teacher. ​I answered "I'll do it if my salary doubles." and gently declined, but my heart was really pounding as to what I should do if they told me they would really double the price.

 ​I feel it will be difficult for me to concentrate on one job and stay in that position. ​I once again thought that knowing that people who can do various things are needed even in the small world of universities is a sign that the world will change greatly.


 ​ (I recently learned that "The frog in the well does not know the ocean, but knows the blue of the sky.".)
