
Quarantine Diary 5/6/20







ブルックリンは意外と大きくって、その中でもそれぞれの街に名前がついている。わたしたちのところはBed-Stuyと呼ばれるところ。この街で小さなmutual aid(共済・相互援助団体)が生まれてることを知って募金しました。高齢者や免疫に問題のある方に荷物を届けたりいろんなサポートをしているそうです。こんなに小さな地域でもこういうことが起こっていて、それがとても嬉しい。

Day 49. Cloudy day. It's better than a sunny day. It's kind of a relief. While I was thinking this, my husband said the same thing.
I had my period. It is amazing how it comes precisely. For the last few months, it comes along with full moon which is tomorrow morning. Very punctual.

We got strawberry for the first time in this year. They are a special food. Cute, and delicious. On top of that, we got two strawberry ice cream! Yay.

Laundry, hot bath. Slight anemia? It's been a while since I had one. I felt weak and it started from my legs. I laid down for few hours. My husband was laying down too but he woke up first. He made us lunch.
Miso soup, spinach, avocado, cheese.

A friend I met in NY started an online photo shooting service. It is beautiful. I think it's important to record what's happening in our life now. Also it's beautiful. Take a look!

We got the third week of Unemployment Insurance. I am so grateful, but I am not excited anymore. It is just a number... My idea of money has changed a lot during quarantine. It doesn't make me happy, it doesn't have much value to me now. So I want to pass to place/people where money can make difference.

I found this mutual aid called Bed-Stuy Strong, and donated some cash. They are helping mainly elderly, immunocompromised, and disabled.  I love how New Yorker is helping each other.

LOVE, Yuko


zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!