
Mt. Shasta trip

5/19/24 Sun -5/28/24 Mon
I am visiting Mt. Shasta, Northern California for 10 days, where my relatives live. This town is very small, which the population is 3,500, and known for being one of the power spots. The scenery is literally amazing! The air is so clean and fresh, greens are everywhere which are all tall trees and blue sky. The stars at night were incredible. They took my breath away, there were thousands of stars in the sky. I found very interesting in this town when I visited the downtown. There were tons of spiritual products in stores, like power stones, tarots cards. My aunt read my fortune with astrology, and she worked in acupuncture and gave me massages. I also had a blister on my right middle finger treated all the time by a method called moxibustion, which is Japanese traditional treatment called "okyuu".


slow life

As I said at the beginning, here is only 3,500 people in this town. Everyone knows each other, they all are friends. For example, it always happened they are saying hi and talking randomly when we went trails. The people here are VERY NICE. They start talking all the time even when they talk a walk their dog. And I really liked the way they spend time. For example, my uncle waters his flowers in yards, my aunt does yoga every day. Grinding coffee beans, smelling the flowers etc… I really like it!! This is a peaceful life. Also, I saw some people who were doing yoga/meditation at the lake, and the shop staff at downtown were very warm, always saying "Have a great day!", "Thank you!" I would like to have these ways because I always used to be busy and forget to take relaxed/chilled time.

はじめでもお伝えしたように、ここは街全体で3500人ほどしかいない小さなまち。おじさんもほとんどみんなの顔がわかるというほど。みんなお互い通り過ぎるごとにHello! って声を掛け合います。田舎の人たちはみんな優しいです。ほとんど毎回ハイキングに行くと、わあ~って手を振ってから雑談がはじまります:) 犬の散歩中とかでも。親戚のおじさんはガーデニングをしていて一日に何度か庭のお花たちに水をあげて、おばさんは毎日ヨガをしていて、などなど。コーヒーを豆から挽いて飲んだり、お庭にあるお花の匂いをかいだり。わあ~なんて素敵な過ごし方!ほんと the 平和って感じ。時間がゆっくり過ぎていくのを楽しんでいるのが本当に素敵。湖でヨガや瞑想をしている人たちをみたり、ダウンタウンの店員さんたちも欠かさず Have a great day! Thank you!という感じ。いつもどうしてもせかせかして時間を気にしてしまうものなので、のんびり時間を有意義にすることを学びたいというところです…

too many adventures!!

As you know if you follow my Instagram, the sceneries are speechless incredible!!! SO AMAZING!! FANTASTIC!! My family has taken me to the trails, lakes, and waterfalls every day since I came here. Nature is magnificent, I am very curious how they are created. They are just incredibly AMAZING. I realized how small I am in this world. They make adventure plans for me, but they are changed every day because we can't read how mountain weather is going. We were supposed to hike more to the mountains, but they still have lots of snow, so we can't do that. Also, kayaking and swimming in the lake too. (The water is still too cold) But it's alright and there are still lots of fun activities to do! It feels so adventuring (exciting and thrilling) when I walk right next to railroads and when I look down to the river from the top of the cliff. It was SO FUN!!! My life needs these feelings!! And I can tell this is an amazing feeling that something wonderful is waiting for me after a long walk or a thrill.

私のインスタグラムをフォローされている方はご存知だと思いますが、ここで見る景色たちは恐ろしいほど!本当に綺麗。これぞ大自然の力。ここに来てから毎日、家族にトレイルや湖、滝に連れて行ってもらっています。自然は壮大で、私はそれらがどのように作られたんだろうと考えるほど。信じられないほど素晴らしい。大自然の中にいるとどれだけ自分が小さいのかを思い知らされます。残念なことに親戚のみんなは私のためにいつもプランを立ててくれるが、山の天候が読めないため、毎日変更されてしまいました。もっと山にハイキングに行く予定だったけど、今年は雪が多かったみたいでなかなかできませんでした。カヤックや湖での水泳も。(水はまだ冷たすぎるため)でも十分に楽しいアクティビティで満喫しました!鉄道のすぐ横を歩いたり、崖の上から川を見下ろしたりすると、これぞアドベンチャーって感じでたまらなく楽しいかったです!! 私の人生にはこういう感情(スリル、どきどきワクワク)が必要だなって感じました!!また長く歩いたあとや何かスリルを味わった後に素晴らしい何かが待っているというあの感覚もとにかく最高でたまんないです。

Overall, I really enjoyed all of time in Mt, Shasta as you can see!! It was the best time for me to feel refreshed since I left Lawrence, KS, and before I went back to Japan. I really recommend visiting Mt. Shasta, Northern California on vacation one day!! You should reach me out if you make it. Thank you for reading!


Mc cloud river
Mt. Shasta!!!
Castle Crags
Hedge Creek Falls
Mossbrae Falls
Lake Siskiyou
Feary Falls
just seeing houses are so fun!!
Pluto Cave
