
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   7月8日 July 8

詩篇 62:1【口語訳】
My soul rests in God alone. My salvation is from him.”
Psalms 62:1【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。詩篇 62:1 Psalms 62:1
The believer awaits salvation in God's time with trust in Him.

· 詩篇62篇の背景: この詩篇は、ダビデ王がサウル王の迫害から逃亡している時に書かれたと考えられています。ダビデ王は、多くの敵に囲まれ、絶望的な状況に置かれていました。しかし、そのような状況の中でも、ダビデ王は神への信頼を失いませんでした。そして、この詩篇を通して、神への揺るぎない信仰と、神からの救いへの確信を表明しました。
· 信仰の重要性: 聖書は、信仰は私たちを救い、永遠の命へと導くものであると教えています。ヘブライ人11章6節には、「信仰のない者は神に喜ばれることはできません。神に近づく者は、神が存在し、報いる者であることを信じなければなりません。」と書かれています。
1. 神にのみ依り頼む
2. 神からの救いを信じる
3. 静かに神を待つ

This passage of Scripture is a powerful declaration of unwavering trust in God and confidence in salvation from Him. It teaches us the importance of relying on God alone, believing in His salvation, and quietly waiting on Him. Let us take these words to heart and deepen our dependence on God in our life of faith.
Below is some additional information to help you better understand this lesson.
· Background on Psalm 62: It is believed that this Psalm was written while King David was on the run from the persecution of King Saul. Surrounded by many enemies, King David was in a desperate situation. However, even under such circumstances, King David did not lose his trust in God. Through this Psalm, he expressed his unwavering faith in God and his confidence in God's deliverance.
· Importance of Faith: The Bible teaches that faith saves us and leads us to eternal life. Hebrews 11:6 says, "No one without faith can be pleasing to God. He who approaches God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder." It is written.
1. depend only on God
In this verse, the words, "My soul also only prays to God," indicate that the psalmist is relying on God alone and not on anything other than God.
We tend to be preoccupied with the fleeting things of this world, such as money, power, and relationships. But relying on such things does not bring true peace and happiness. To achieve true peace and happiness, it is important to put God first, relying only on Him.
2. believe in salvation from God
The words "My salvation comes from God" indicate that the poet believed that God is the only Savior.
The various problems and difficulties we face cannot be solved by ourselves. However, by believing in God and praying to Him, God will give us strength and help us overcome difficulties.
3. quietly wait for God
The word "modeshite:damatte or shizukani" indicates that the psalmist was quietly waiting for God.
God has wisdom and power beyond our thoughts and ideas. Our impatience or frustration will not change God's plan. The important thing is to quietly wait on God and follow His will.
I pray that God will give us the patience to quietly trust Him in difficult times and wait for His time of salvation.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
