

God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death" or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. 
~ Revelations 21:3-4













「見よ、神の幕屋が人の間にあって、神が人と共に住み、人は神の民となる。神は自ら人と共にいて、その神となり、彼らの目の涙をことごとくぬぐい取ってくださる。もはや死はなく、もはや悲しみも嘆きも労苦もない。最初のものは過ぎ去ったからである。」(ヨハネの黙示録 21:3-4)



The most unforgettable trip I have ever had was the family trip to Palau.

My family who live in different parts of the world, thus making it very hard to get together, flew in and stayed for a week in Palau for my youngest sister’s wedding in 2012.

Since we were a big group of 17, we rented out a tour guide and a boat and enjoyed a few days of snorkeling in the middle of the Philippine Sea. 

Yes, everyone in the group, from my parents who were close to 70 to my youngest son, just past his 2nd birthday shortly before that, enjoyed the experience.

We swam in a Jellyfish lake filled with beautiful transparent jellyfish of all sizes, the world’s only non-stingy jellyfish, and snorkeled above giant scallops that were over 100 years old and approximately one meter in diameter, a sunken ship from World War II, and a seafloor full of sharks! It was really unforgettable.

Traveling to different destinations allows you to be out of your daily world and to pause on your daily problems. It also provides you an opportunity to experience the “Perfect Life Moment".

You fully enjoy the moment and there is nothing, but fun. As the trip comes near the end and gets closer to “back to reality,” don’t you wish that you could just stay there forever?

In real life, “fun” doesn’t last because there would be challenges, struggles, and sadness. Actually, if we were to be honest, most times, life might not be "fun" at all. 

This world is not perfect; either because of our own mistakes or others’ mistakes, problems, struggles, and even sadness exist. However, Jesus has won the ticket to Heaven where “there’s no more death, no more grief, or crying or pain.”

The average life span of 2021 is 78.99 years, according to google, which compared to eternity is nothing more than a tiny dot.

We are given the hope to live for ETERNITY with God and Jesus in heaven where there is only joy and happiness! Think about that!

Just imagine that you don’t have to leave your destination where you fell in love with everything you experienced there!

Heaven is much much more than what you have just imagined! It’s beyond our imagination as our imagination is limited and we are not able to fully understand God’s world.

God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death" or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
~ Revelations 21:3-4

If you are struggling with something in your life, focusing on the fact that this life is only temporary and that you will be at the Paradise where Jesus is preparing a place for you right now will encourage you to overcome the challenges you face right now.

Today's quote:
He promises there will be no tears in heaven, no death, and no mourning; instead there will be joy and eternal life.
Today's question:
Do you know with confidence where you are going after your death?  
