
Introduction to HTML ~About"!doctype html"~


<!doctype html> is a declaration for HTML documents on web pages, informing the web browser that this document is written in HTML5.

This is positioned at the very first line of a web page, providing a guideline for the browser to interpret and display the page properly.

HTML5 is the current standard for web development, serving as an essential element for content creators and web developers.

Everyday Example

To understand the practicality of <!doctype html>, let's consider an example from daily life.

Suppose you open a cooking website to look up a recipe.

The browser, seeing <!doctype html>, recognizes that this web page is written in HTML5 and can display the recipe correctly.

If this declaration is absent, the browser may not interpret the page's content properly, possibly resulting in images not displaying or text being misaligned.

Therefore, <!doctype html> is an essential element for a web page to function correctly.


The importance of <!doctype html> lies in providing the information necessary for a web browser to interpret a page correctly.

This ensures that the content of the web page is displayed appropriately, enhancing user convenience.

Also, by utilizing the features of HTML5, the performance of the web page can be improved, and it becomes easier to view on mobile devices.

Without this declaration, the quality of the web page could decline, potentially harming the user experience.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the latest version of the markup language HTML for web pages.

Compared to traditional HTML, HTML5 has many new features and improvements, enabling more concise and efficient coding.

Also, HTML5 clearly defines the structure of web pages with new elements (e.g., header, nav, footer), and support for multimedia content (audio and video) is enhanced.


<!doctype html> is a signal that tells web browsers, such as Google Chrome or Safari, that this page was created using the language HTML5.

Without it, browsers may not understand the page's content correctly, leading to issues like images not displaying properly or text alignment problems.

HTML5 is the latest rule set for creating web pages, and using it can lead to better web pages.

Thus, <!doctype html> is a very important signal when creating web pages.
