



【IT英語一文読解】Meeterという新しいMacアプリがZoomやGoogle Meetなどのスケジュー…

If you’re working from home like me at the moment, your calendar has gone from a list o…

【IT英語一文読解】Meeterという新しいMacアプリがZoomやGoogle Meetなどのスケジュー…

If you’re working from home like me at the moment, your calendar has gone from a list o…


Further, we could see industry wide innovation where competitors join together to furthe…


LinkedIn took action early to offer resources to companies around the world that are hir…


People + Work Connect was designed by CHROs from Accenture, Lincoln Financial Group, Ser…


As this innovation evolves, HR and talent-centric organizations are coming together in t…


The production of electricity on a commercial or wholesale scale is moving away from big-and-complicated machines and systems to small-and-less complicated forms of production. 読解のヒント 本日のヒントは次の通りです。太字にしている部分を参考にしてみて下さい。 ■4つの文型:①自動型、②他動型、③


The decarbonization of electricity production around the world today may be seen as part…


Use of contactless mobile payments -- services that once struggled to catch on in the U.…


As more people worry about catching coronavirus from touching cash and credit-card termi…


Rather than lumping all restaurants in the portfolio together because they’re all being…


Instead of making assumptions about entire sectors, it assessed the risk of each individ…


The first step OakNorth Bank took when the Coronavirus began to appear in the U.K. was t…


本日も昨日に続きニューヨークタイムズの記事からの文書を一緒に解読してみましょう。分解の方程式(文法理解)は以下◆を参考にしてください。太字が今日利用する方程式(文法理解)です。 ◆4つの文型:自動型、他動型、説明型、授与型 ◆後ろから説明の9つのパターン:名詞、形容詞、副詞、動詞原型、動詞ing、過去分詞、to+動詞、前置詞+名詞、文章 "A few years ago, the kind of double-digit drop in oil and gas pric