




  • Bizmates


  • 就職活動を迎える体育会学生シリーズ

  • フィリピンセブ島旅行記



Rejecting a request

Before rejecting a request, make sure you fully understand what the request is and why he/she is making it. 依頼を断る前に、依頼の内容とその理由を十分に理解しておきましょう。 Sometimes it’s necessary to reject a request, but make sure you have a logical reason for rejec

    • Motivating your staff

      Avoid using negative expressions, like “give up” and “escape” as they are demotivating. 「諦める」「逃げる」などのネガティブな表現はデモストレーションが溜まるので避けるようにしましょう。 Motivate your staff by showing that you understand their situation, giving them recognition, and le

      • Asking for a progress report

        Avoid making suggestions until you have a clear understanding of the project status. プロジェクトの状況を明確に把握するまでは、提案をしないようにする。 When getting a progress report, be sure to follow a logical order, such as • the objective • work plan • schedule and b

        • Assigning a new project

          When assigning a project, it may be necessary to get buy-in from the employee. プロジェクトをアサインする際には、従業員のやる気を得ることが必要な場合があります。 Try to understand your employee’s needs and be flexible to meet his/her needs as well. 従業員のニーズを把握し、そのニーズにも柔軟に対応するよう

        Rejecting a request


        • Bizmates
        • 就職活動を迎える体育会学生シリーズ
        • フィリピンセブ島旅行記



          Introducing an employeeMake a short announcement to introduce a trainee to your department. Lesson 2: Going over office rules Go over the office rules with your trainee. Lesson 3: Explaining your expectations Go over the expectations of y

          Congratulating someone

          Congratulate your staff in front of others rather than in private as it will be more meaningful to them. プライベートではなく、人前でスタッフを祝福することで、より意味のあるものになります。 When congratulating someone, show that you understand the effort that he/she put into the

          Congratulating someone

          Dealing with conflict

          Dealing with conflict between people is a very sensitive issue. Rather than accusing someone, ask what happened. 人と人との間の対立に対処することは、非常にデリケートな問題です。誰かを非難するのではなく、何が起こったのかを聞いてみましょう。 When dealing with conflict, it’s more effective to elicit a c

          Dealing with conflict

          Giving instructions

          When giving instructions, organize the steps by using words like “first, next, finally.” 指示を出すときは、"最初に、次に、最後に "というような言葉を使って、手順を整理しましょう。 After giving instructions, have the trainee summarize them to you. 指示を出した後、研修生にまとめてもらう。 Be specific

          Giving instructions

          Giving feedback

          When giving constructive criticism, always start and end with positive feedback. 建設的な批判をするときは、常に肯定的なフィードバックで始めて終わりにする。 When giving constructive criticism, be specific with your suggestions. 建設的な批判をするときは、具体的な提案をする。 I think David would fe

          Giving feedback

          Training someone

          When training someone rather than saying, "I will show you ...", say "We're going to ..." 鍛えるときは、"見せてあげる "と言うのではなく、"私たちは...... "と言ってください。 One effective method of training is to ask for the trainee's knowledge and experience first. 研修の効果的

          Training someone

          Giving a verbal warning

          You can be clear about what you want done while still being polite. 丁寧でありながら、自分のやりたいことを明確にすることができます。 He should be clear about what he wanted to say. 彼は自分の言いたいことをはっきりさせておくべきです。 Office rules vary in some countries. So, it’s important to

          Giving a verbal warning

          Explaining your expectations

          When explaining your expectations, start with an overview before going into details. 期待することを説明するときは、詳細に入る前に概要を説明するところから始めましょう。 To get commitment from the other person, encourage two-way communication. 相手からコミットメントを得るために、双方向のコミュニケーションを奨励する

          Explaining your expectations

          Going over office rules

          Try to avoid saying, “You can’t …” “You have to …” “You mustn’t …”, instead, you can say, “… is not permitted.” “We’d like all employees to …” 言わないようにしましょう。 "あなたはできない..." "あなたがしなければならない..." "You mustn't... "ではなく、代わりにこう言うことができます。 "許可されていません

          Going over office rules

          Introducing an employee

          When introducing someone to your team, it’s courteous to give some background information about the person. 誰かをチームに紹介する際には、その人の背景情報を伝えるのが礼儀です。 Help the new person get acquainted by being clear about the person’s goals and motives to your

          Introducing an employee

          Rank up Test2

           Lesson 18: Confirming a rumor Confirm a rumor with your boss or colleague about his/her resignation from the company.  Lesson 19: Saying goodbye Say goodbye to your boss or colleague who is leaving the company.

          Rank up Test

           Lesson 11: Raising a concern Raise a concern to your boss.  Lesson 12: Accepting constructive criticism Receive constructive feedback on a work-related topic from your boss.  Lesson 13: Reporting good news Report some good news to you