

In Japan, attending university is often seen as the path to success and a better life. But what if you're not interested in going to university at all? Is it still worth going to university? When I was working as a high school English teacher, one of my students told me, "I don't want to go to university because I don't want to study anymore. Even if I go to university, I think I will just quit." What is an model answer regarding this situation? In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of attending university even if students are not interested.


1: Networking opportunities

Attending university can provide you with valuable networking opportunities that can help you later in life. You'll have the chance to meet people from all walks of life, including professors, alumni, and other students. These connections can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and even potential business partnerships.

2: Soft skills development

University is not just about academic learning, it's also about personal growth. You'll develop important soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and time management that are essential for success in any career. These skills will not only help you in your future career but also in your personal life.

3: Job opportunities

Having a university degree can give you an advantage in the job market, even if your degree is not related to your field of work. Many employers view a university degree as a sign of commitment and discipline, which can make you stand out from other candidates.


1: Financial burden

Attending university can be expensive, especially in Japan. Tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses can add up quickly and put a strain on your finances. If you're not interested in studying, it may be difficult to justify the cost of attending university.

2: Time commitment

Attending university requires a significant time commitment. You'll have to attend classes, complete assignments, and study for exams. If you're not interested in studying, this can feel like a chore and make it difficult to stay motivated.

3: Lack of passion

If you're not interested in studying, you may find it difficult to find a degree program that you're truly passionate about. Without passion, it can be challenging to stay motivated and engaged in your studies.


Attending university can provide you with valuable networking opportunities and soft skills development that can benefit you later in life. However, if you're not interested in studying, the financial burden, time commitment, and lack of passion may make it difficult to justify attending university.

With this being described, the debate question goes: Should students go to university even if they are not interested at all?

For this topic, we assume that…

this is the case for Japanese students.
"not interested" means "not interested in anything students can do at university" (Not just studying but everything else, too).

If you have any questions, please let me know!
