

Unmoved by the losses on his own side, much less on Ukraine’s, Putin has sent his minions to the provinces to scoop up more human material for the meat grinder of his war.



この記者は、バイデン大統領に対しても辛辣な表現をしていた。彼の事を「a doddering hack」と呼んでいたので、早速ChatGPTに訊ねてみた。

"Doddering hack" is a derogatory phrase used to criticize someone, particularly an older person, for being weak, feeble, or incompetent in their actions and decisions. The word "doddering" means to shake or tremble while walking, suggesting a lack of balance or stability. The word "hack" can mean someone who is unskilled or unoriginal, particularly in their work.

Therefore, the term "doddering hack" suggests that the person being described is both physically and mentally unsteady and lacks the ability to make effective decisions or do their job competently. It is a disrespectful and derogatory way to refer to someone, and it is not appropriate to use such language when discussing others, particularly public figures such as the President.



You could replace "doddering" with "decrepit" in the phrase "decrepit hack," and it would convey a similar meaning of someone who is physically and/or mentally weakened and lacks the ability to perform their job effectively. However, like "doddering," "decrepit" is also a derogatory term and could be considered offensive when used to describe someone. It is important to be mindful of the language you use when referring to others, particularly public figures, and to show respect regardless of political opinions or personal beliefs.


雑誌The New Yorkerの記事は興味深いので、全ての記事を乱読することをお勧めする。習った事を全てここに書き残すことはできないけど、少しずつ単語力が増えてくると、関連単語を想起しやすくなる。政治でも、環境問題、サイエンスや芸能など、1つ1つの記事も長く、使われる単語や表現も凝っていて隔日に勉強になるだろう。


