
WEST COAST BREWING の「The Lupulin Tree」


【満足度】★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8/10点

【ビール名】The Lupulin Tree
【スタイル】Hazy Double IPA
【ブルワリー】WEST COAST BREWING @wcbshizuoka
【原材料】麦芽(イギリス製造、ドイツ製造)、糖類、大麦、ホップ:Nelson Sauvin, Peacharine, Riwaka & Riwaka CGX


The Lupulin Tree
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV

w/Nelson Sauvin, Peacharine, Riwaka & Riwaka CGX

WCB 5th Anniversary Beer!!!!!

その昔、Hop Dudeの始祖“Hop Oracle”が時間をかけ大事に育てあげたと言い伝えられてきた「The Lupulin Tree」。長い時を重ね彼が概念となった現代もなお、この世界において多くの巡礼者たちが訪れる神聖な場所とされている。


造る前から超絶フレッシュ(嬉)!WCBが大好きな @freestylehops の“2024年収穫ロット”の獲れたてホップを、いち早く買い付けて空輸でNZ→Japanへ飛ばし、どこよりも早く皆さまへお届け。



It's up to YOU now, fellow Hop Dudes. Once the spirited center of the Hop Dude universe, The sacred Lupulin Tree is in peril.  Unrelenting attacks by the Nemesis' forces have drained the Life (aka, tasty hop deliciousness) from our beloved World Tree. In an attempt to recharge it the Alchemist enlisted his most aggressive hazy recipe to date - emptying the coffers and air freighting over boxes upon boxes of super uber fresh 2024 Freestyle Riwaka, Nelson and Peacharine (weak Yen be damned). The effort, however, has fallen short. Despite the insane melon and berry notes... the aromatic undertones of marshmallow and vanilla... and let's not forget the papaya, mango and citrus sensory... It's all so good but, for the Tree--good was never going to be enough.

The task is now left to you, the true Hop Heroes, to raise a glass to the heavens and drink the freaking bejeebus out of this thing. Breathe life back into the tree and restore our way of life. Think of it like a certain old school rep grind, replete with both factions having to come together and crash the server over and over (best world event ever imo). For the Tree! Happy 5th Anniversary, Hop Dudes💪🏼

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