
I'm going to start a diary

* This post is the English version of the following:

* Revised 15th May 2022.

I'm bad at writing even in Japanese. However I needed to teach my son how to write a diary for his homework today.

So I googled how to teach it. An article said that you should break down what you want to say into following 5 elements:

・What you did
・What you feel/think
・What you want to do from now on

I thought this method can work also for me, when I read the article. 

So I've started a diary in this format. Could you please watch over me and see if my writing becomes better or not, if you're kind enough to read my posts.

※ Although my spouse didn't think this post was a diary entry, I had posted it as a part of the diary.

※ I'm learning English now! Could you please correct my mistakes ;>
