
【Koyomi】 June 4, 2024

Life with a vegetable Garden|Shiso (Perilla)

This year, shiso plants have sprouted up all over the garden. Since I prefer to grow shiso from seeds, I want to remove these unwanted plants. The reasons for this are detailed in this article.


The Two Types of Shiso: Green Shiso and Red Shiso

Shiso, written as "紫蘇" in kanji, primarily refers to red shiso. However, there are two types of shiso: green shiso and red shiso. Green shiso, also known as "aojiso," is the same as "ohba," a variant. When planting these two types close to each other, they can cross-pollinate and produce hybrids. These hybrids tend to have a weaker fragrance and color. Therefore, it is best to plant green and red shiso apart to avoid these issues.



The Problem with Hybrids

One significant issue with allowing shiso plants to cross-pollinate and create hybrids is that these hybrids often have a diminished fragrance and color compared to their parent plants. Additionally, these hybrids tend to have a stronger tendency to reproduce, making it difficult to control their spread in the garden. Therefore, to maintain the quality of your shiso plants, it is crucial to keep green and red shiso separate.



How to Make Shiso Juice

Making shiso juice is a great way to utilize your shiso harvest. Here’s a simple recipe:
1. Boil 2 liters of water.
2. Add a bunch of red shiso leaves to the boiling water.
3. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
4. Strain the liquid to remove the leaves.
5. Add sugar and citric acid to taste.
6. Let the mixture cool before serving. Enjoy your refreshing homemade shiso juice!


1. 2リットルの水を沸騰させます。
2. 沸騰したお湯に赤シソの葉を一束入れます。
3. 約10分間煮込みます。
4. 液体をこして葉を取り除きます。
5. 砂糖とクエン酸をお好みで加えます。
6. 混合物を冷やしてからお召し上がりください。自家製のさわやかなシソジュースをお楽しみください!
