




【Koyomi】 July 21, 2024

Today, I harvested basil and made pesto pasta. The aroma of the basil was delightful. バジルを収穫しジェノベーゼパスタを作りました。バジルの香りがとても良かったです。 Seasonal Vegetables|Basil 旬の野菜|バジル The Origins of Basil Basil, also known as "Ocimum basilicum," is a herb th

    • 【Koyomi】 July 20, 2024

      Various Things About the Seasons|Fireworks 季節のあれこれ|花火 The Origins of Fireworks in Japan The tradition of launching fireworks in Japan began during the Edo period, specifically in Kyōhō 18 (1733). It originated from the Suijin Matsuri, a w

      • 【Koyomi】 July 19, 2024

        Yesterday, the rainy season ended, and today it's already extremely hot. While the heat can be challenging, it's essential to take proper measures to get through it. 昨日梅雨明けして、今日は早速超暑いです。暑くないと困ることもあると思うので、しっかり対策して乗り切ります。 Various Things Abo

        • 【Koyomi】 July 18, 2024

          Seasonal food|Sea Urchins
旬の食べ物|ウニ The Prime Season for Fresh Sea Urchins From mid-June to early August, fresh sea urchins are at their best. This is the time when the natural sea urchins are harvested and offer the most exquisite taste.