
【Koyomi】February 11, 2024

Soba Noodle Making Experience


Recently, I had the opportunity to try my hand at traditional soba noodle making. In this blog, I would like to share my experience divided into three main themes. I hope to convey the difficulties and joys of making soba noodles by hand, as well as the deliciousness of the zaru soba and soba gaki we tasted afterwards.



Meeting with Soba Flour

The experience began with mixing soba flour and water in the correct proportions. This process, known as "mizumawashi," is crucial for understanding the characteristics of soba flour and adding the right amount of water. For a beginner like me, achieving the appropriate dough consistency was challenging, and the detailed advice from our instructor was incredibly helpful.



The Art of Rolling and Cutting

Once the dough reached the right state, we moved on to the process of rolling out the dough and cutting it into thin, uniform soba noodles. In this process called "hoshi," the technique to stretch the dough into a rectangle is required. Following that, the "cutting" process involves using a knife to slice the dough into evenly sized noodles. These steps required more physical strength and concentration than I anticipated, making me realize the difficulty of hand-making soba noodles.



Tasting: Zaru Soba and Soba Gaki

The final part of the experience was tasting the soba noodles instractor made. We were served "zaru soba" and "soba gaki." Zaru soba, served cold with a dipping sauce, offered a simple yet profound taste that allowed us to fully enjoy the flavor of instractor’s handmade noodles. On the other hand, soba gaki was warm, with a comforting, slightly thick texture that gently spread the soba flavor, making it a fitting conclusion to our experience.




The soba noodle making experience was a wonderful opportunity to engage with traditional Japanese food culture. Although there were many challenging steps, the moment of tasting soba noodles was an irreplaceable joy. Through this experience, I gained a deeper appreciation for the culture and techniques behind even a single dish like soba noodles.


