
(一言ジャーナリング風味チャレンジ0--)2020.04.11 軽量 (One-word journaling flavor challenge 0--)


Bring and receive essential items (main food, disinfection type, letter type) you were shopping for at your parents' home. The mask I got is very helpful. Instead, I unavoidably purchases the missing food items.
The number of neighbors who came out after a long time was more than expected, and I was quite impatient. No, it's best to stay at home, but when I'm going home at 23:00 or so at this stage, there's no room other than convenience stores. I surpassed it by mail order, but I can not receive it. But today I regret. I will buy it on weekdays (not).
Photo: Corn salad and salad chicken, dumplings that were not in the brown rice in the soup but were left over
