
(10minutes note 06)どうせなら幸せに向かうように世界と関わりたい I want to get in touch with the world to be happy anyway




I went down for 10 consecutive holidays in various ways. Half Planned, Half Freeze.

It's almost like what kind of things you have been doing.
To make a plan, to be regular, to have to do something, to do whatever you like. Sense of doing tasks.
As a result, I spent days not leaving Tokyo in Japan. I went to a shrine, saw a baseball, walked, ate seafood, went to a dentist, bought a gadget, took a picture, went to an ophthalmologist.

Actually, some time before the holiday, I received some words that I could break my heart from a certain older person.
It's hard to say in detail, but if you give a natural opinion about the sense of incongruity to the current situation and the various possibilities in the future, it is only a tempest, it will be a good year for you and you will be more obedient to where you are now How's that feeling?

It's very soft.
"Thank you for taking extra care"
At the same time, as I get older, I want to be aware again that I can see only the way I walked.
And above all.
I would like to be a person who can just listen to talks even if they can't get people to do something better or have fun. And I like such creations, events and people, and the time and place where they are born.
I'm sorry, but I'm not a good guy to accept everything, so that's what it means to say what to take care of.
So, even if you break in the middle, even if the display tension at the time you post the ”note”≒this site falls down, it will resume with it broken.
