
WOVN English Articles

All articles in English are available here.


Finding a New Routine in Cairo, Egypt

When I was a graduate student in Linguistics, I spent about two years studying Arabic. During that time, my advisor recommended that I study abroad over the summer session in order to improve my Arabic and also to become familiar with a reg

[#Hello WOVN Nayuta] I joined WOVN to learn more about the world

Nice to meet you. My name is Nayuta and I’m on the Customer Success team. As I write this post, I’m helping with WOVN.io and WOVN.app integrations, handling inquiries from customers, and holding online and WOVN basics seminars for new membe

【Hello WOVN】Work Series (Localization)

We’re excited to deliver our new series of Hello WOVN! The new series will feature on WOVN Work! Although we members at WOVN work together, we don't know the details of our work if we're in a different team. In the WOVN Work series, we’ll

【Hello WOVN】Work Series (Tech Support)

In this volume of the Work Series, we’ll learn about Tech Support, WOVN’s guardian angel. Work Series: Tech Support Let’s begin by shadowing Samuel, who provides solutions to the various issues and troubles that members at WOVN face. - Wha