

(English fellows Japanese!)

ここ何回か平家 平家と言っておりますが、「平家物語」と聞いて皆さんピンときてますかね。わたくしいまさら心配。
祇園精舎の鐘の音 諸行無常の響きあり
沙羅双樹の花の色 盛者必衰の理をあらわす





平家物語   古川日出男訳 前語り







平家物語 古川日出男訳 日本文学全集09 河出書房出版社
平家物語 梶原正昭・山下宏明校注 岩波文庫

Thinking about the interest of creative works from The Tale of the Heike Impression.

I have finished reading The Tale of the Heike, translated by Hideo Furukawa.

It was a fertile reading experience that entered my mind and body.

By the way.
I have been saying "Heike Heike" a few times, but does it ring a bell when you hear "The Tale of the Heike"?
I am worried about it now.
The sound of the bell at Gion Seisha echoes the impermanence of all things, and the color of the flowers of the sarasouki tree shows the inevitability of the decline of the prosperous.
In Japan, junior high school students are required to recite this poem.

The Tale of the Heike  is said to have been written around the 13th century, but neither the year of its publication nor its author is known.
It is said to have been written over a period of several decades from the fall of the Heike clan to the establishment of the tale, based on the chronological flow of the tale, and by combining materials on the Genpei wars, people's memories, waka poems, and related legendary tales.
In reading the book, some scenes are portrayed as defensive of the Heike clan, while others are critical of them.
This is the same for the enemy Genji, and I think the richness of this work is due in part to these multiple perspectives and emotions.

Anime Inu-oh, Novel Inu-oh, Anime The Tale of the Heike, The Tale of the Heike, translated by Hideo Furukawa, The Tale of the Heike, original story.
I wanted to know something through this series of The Tale of the Heike experiences.
 "Classics, or what are called original texts, are often plain, boring, and time-consuming to read in an interesting way. But I have received it so interestingly on my first reading. This is because of what they have kept and what they have changed in the classics."

In his preface, Mr. Furukawa, the translator of the book, says, 

I translated almost every single sentence. I even translated (or rather, increased) all the honorifics. -omission-I did not change the order of the chapters or paragraphs at all. But despite this, I tried to make it interesting.
I was determined to produce a modern translation that could be read as a whole book. The Heike, if it were to be judged by the standards of today's literary works, would inevitably lack structure. In other words, if only a "structure" were given to the story, it could achieve the highest level. But how can we add "structure" to a story without altering the content of the story?
I bet on the fact that the Heike was a storyteller.

The Tale of the Heike, translated by Hideo Furukawa, the first part of the tale

In the eleventh volume, the battle of Dannoura seems to be the climax of the story, but the story continues after that.
After this victory or defeat is decided, it is already tragic and cruel.
However, these are all things that people have done to each other.
Then, at the beginning of the twelfth and final volume, a great earthquake occurs. A natural disaster beyond human control engulfs all things human.
In this chapter, the "composition of the narrative," as Mr. Furukawa said, was particularly brilliant.

In animated works about war, such as Gundam and Attack on Titan, there is a very beautiful music that plays during the most important battle scene, isn't there? The music conveys the thoughts and feelings of the people, such as prayers and cries, to the viewer. I felt the same direction in the chapter about the great earthquake.

I realized that it is the voices of those who witness, speak, and try to communicate that calm the hearts of people and the world.
"How modern! "I thought.But the original text does not have this direction.

It is not interesting without "what it is based on."
It is not interesting only with "what it is based on.
This is what is meant by "interesting" in a creative work.

This Tale of The Heike was the first classical literature that made me chuckle, and the first that made me feel pain in my heart while reading.
I believe it was thanks to Mr. Furukawa's translation.Thanks!

My motif is a landscape reflected in a puddle of water, but in fact, puddles of water are plain and boring.
Normally, you wouldn't be able to look at it for more than 30 seconds.
But here I see the beauty and transience of the world. I never get tired of observing puddles throughout the year.

"How can we convey this charm without altering the puddles that are in fact there?"

The headline image is a witch hazel tree reflected in a puddle that I am observing at a fixed point.
It is the season of blooming flowers, old leaves falling off, and new buds forming.
Spring rain is nice, isn't it?

Thank you for coming to read this.

The next update will be on April 5, around the time of Seimei.
