

<娘5人の父親 – 福沢諭吉が、日本の未来に遺した言葉>

「女大学評論・新女大学」への序文  1899年 福沢一太郎(諭吉の長男)






              福沢一太郎(福沢諭吉の長男、父に代わって) 1899年2月

Preface for "Expose/Critique of Old Teaching for Women” and “New Teachings for Women”.

The 20 parts of " Expose/Critique of Old Teaching for Women" and the 23 parts of " New Teachings for Women" were not inspired by my father's (Yukichi Fukuzawa) recent sudden inspiration, but originated from the spirit of my late grandfather Hyakusuke, my father's father, and are deep within the spirit that permeates our family. In other words, the idea of disseminating writings on women's education and their career paths had occupied the mind of my father, Yukichi, for several decades.
In the near future, however, foreigners would be able to live anywhere in Japan and travel freely within the country. If we do not take decisive action on this occasion and clean up the evil customs of male chauvinism, we will leave a permanent stain on the glory of our country. It is no coincidence that my father has now made his views public.
In any case, these two works are not published out of concern for the future of our family. The spirit of the Fukuzawa family has been spun by two threads: the spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation and my father's own words and actions. For this reason, when we were living with my parents, we never even dreamed of mentioning the words "mistress" or "prostitute," let alone topics such as the ones discussed here. By no means did we introduce them as matters that should be understood as common sense, nor did we intentionally ask the question. This makes it understandable that the reason for publishing such a work is obviously with the intention of improving social mores.
There is one more thing I would like to mention here. Although in some respects it is inappropriate to mention it because it concerns a personal matter, it is in fact not entirely unrelated: on September 26, 1898, my father suffered a stroke, and from that day on, my entire family (my mother, brothers, sisters, and myself) were stricken with an anxiety that is beyond description. We were all overcome with a feeling of helplessness, but we took turns being at his bedside day and night, taking care of him as best we could. I still recall the horror of the evening of October 5, 1898, when he was medically declared to have no hope of recovery.
However, that day was a turning point in the gradual recovery of my father Yukichi, who is now able to wear shoes and even walk outside with a cane. Moreover, this recovery was not only physical; as Mr. Ishikawa (Mikiaki/Kanmei Ishikawa, editor-in-chief of Jiji Shimpo) will explain later, he hired a proofreader for the text of this work and had him point out and correct quite a few mistakes. Although the effects of my father's illnesses, such as vision loss and speech impediments, have not yet completely disappeared, his mental faculties and sharpness of will have remained at nearly normal levels. Unfortunately, as long as he is here on earth, he must continue to point out and pursue the lowly deeds of the Japanese people, especially the many men.
He says that he needs to continue to point out and pursue the low-down behavior of the Japanese people, especially many men. Now, we are filled with an inexpressible sense of joy and happiness, as we never thought that my father's mental and will power would recover to such a degree.
During the course of my father's illness, when he had not yet regained consciousness, I often heard him talking to himself. It was so unclear that we could not hear exactly what he was saying, but when we pieced together the occasional fragments we could hear, he seemed to be discussing a woman's way of life. The manuscripts of these works were completed six or seven days before he fell ill, and the ideas were probably part of his father Yukichi's mind. Thus, in addition to his care for every word, his concern for the current moral behavior of men towards women is present in every section. Therefore, we hope that readers will take his message seriously.
Ichitaro Fukuzawa (eldest son of Yukichi Fukuzawa, on behalf of his father), February 1899.

序 福沢一太郎(福沢諭吉の長男)



然るに内地雑居の事は日既に迫れり。一刻を猶予す可き時に非ず。 正に此機に乗じ蹶起して男尊女卑の陋習を退治するに非ざれば、我日本の国光に永く一大汚点を遺すの憾あらんとす。今日に於て家厳が此文を公にするもの偶然に非ざるなり。


尚お序ながら一言したき事あり。事、一身の私に関するを以て爰に之を記すは或は其所を得ざるに似たれども、亦自ら多少の関係なきに非ざる可し。明治三十一年九月二十六日は家厳が脳症の大患に罹りし日にて、爾来、慈母を始めとして一家兄弟姉妹の心配は名状す可からず。日夜かわるがわる枕辺に侍して看護に怠りなきの外為す術もなく、軈て十月五日の夜、最早や回復の望み絶えたりと医師の宣告を受けし時の事など、今より想起すも悚然たらざるを得ず。然るに当日を峠に病漸く軽快して、今日は起居座臥共に自由のみならず、履を穿ち杖を見て戸外に歩行するに至る。而して其快癒は独り形体のみに止まらず、石河君(石河幹明、本のあとがきをの記した編集者とされる)言えるが如く「本論は病前に成りたるも、 頃日に至り人をして原稿を読ましめ、自から字句の誤脱を指示して正したる所少なからず」。即ち視力の薄弱失語等の病痕は尚お未だ全く去りたるに非ずと雖も、精神気力の確なるは殆んど旧日に異ならず。家厳、児に語りて言く、気の毒ながら乃公存命の間は世の不品行者流を追撃して止まざる可しと。此精神気力を病後の家厳に見るは児等の思い寄らざる所にして、欣喜雀躍自から禁ずる能わざるなり。

家厳の大患漸く峠を超えて尚お半醒半眠の間に在りしとき、頻りに独語する所を聴けば、語路断続、精しく聞取るに由なしと雖も、語る所は即ち議論にして、折々聞ゆる片々の語を取合せて察するに、其議論は女道論に在るが如し。蓋し家厳が本論の稿を了りしは発病前六、七日の頃なれども、其説は殆んど先天の思想に発したるものにして、一字一句苟もせざるは勿論、家厳が男女間徳行論の大主意は注で此文章の中に在り。敢て熟読翫味せられんことを大方の諸君に希望するものなり。 明治三十二年二月 男一太郎 謹記


福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社. P11

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 慶應義塾大学メディアセンター Keio University Libraries. <https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/sites/all/libraries/uv/uv.php?archive=FKZ&id=F7-A53#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&r=0&z=-24.8506%2C0%2C3645.7011%2C2952>. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」.
< https://books.google.co.jp/books/about/女大學評論.html?id=ehhKAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y >. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」.
< https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/43064_24679.html>. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 親本:「福澤諭吉全集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波書店、初出:「時事新報」1899から連載. 時事新報社

Deepl.com. and its professional version is used to translate. The order of translation is “original (old Japanese)→English→ modern/standard Japanese (introduced after WW II), edited by the “note” writer.
