
パラレルワールド新聞:  「F-35 deliveries could resume in July, but the new jets won’t be combat-ready for a year or more」 <- ちょっと、なんですかこの記事は? 下のほうに、もっと酷い数字が上がっています

今回は「F-35 deliveries could resume in July, but the new jets won’t be combat-ready for a year or more」についてみていきましょう。

一言では、新F-35 の納品できず、ソフトウェアの不都合で使い物にならず。 米軍もあせる。

Defense One:  17 Apr,2024

「F-35 deliveries could resume in July, but the new jets won’t be combat-ready for a year or more

Program officials also say they’ll “reimagine” their upgrade plan, with new delays for some capabilities.

Nine months after the Pentagon stopped accepting new F-35s, the program has international consensus on a plan: resume taking the jets if their balky software upgrade can be released in a stable if limited form.

That could come as early as July, but a combat-ready version of the software won’t arrive for another 12 to 16 months, the program’s leader told lawmakers on Tuesday.




This version will have “stable” and “capable” code to use in training, but full combat capability won’t arrive for another 12 to 16 months, said Rep. Rob Wittman

“Future risks hinge upon whether TR-3 will require additional incremental software releases to test and implement critical fixes. If risk manifests in labs or flight test, TR-3 may require additional software releases


The F-35 program has faced a slew of development problems, mostly due to excessive “concurrency,” which means that a system goes through development and procurement at the same time, making it harder to fix problems in testing.



検索キー:  Critical F-35 upgrade deferred, 2024 production slashed by 27-50%

とか言っていますが、 ソフトウェアNGにて、実際は100%出荷停止では?

26 Jan,2024の報道では

検索キー:  Lockheed Martin Details 2024 F-35 Delivery Plans

Despite the cutback in deliveries, Lockheed Martin is producing the F-35 at a rate of approximately 156 aircraft per year, and placing undelivered aircraft into storage pending availability of the TR-3 updates. The company indicated that as many as 100-120 undelivered F-35s could be in storage at the end of 2024



検索キー:   F-35 deliveries could resume in July, but the new jets won’t be combat-ready for a year or more
